RFE discovers inter-Albanian tolerance

by | Dec 17, 2003

Radio Free Europe, a US-operated propaganda setup in Prague, often runs ludicrous reports about Kosovo and Bosnia, but this one takes the cake.
Apparently, thousands of Muslim Albanians are going to Catholic Christmas celebrations this year, and this has the RFE types in a tizzy of multi-cultist pleasure. The “news” is accompanied by pious pronouncements of a Catholic priest and head mufti of Kosovo’s Muslims, about “tolerance,” “civilization” and so forth.
As you may have expected, there’s a problem. This vaunted “tolerance” extends only to Albanians.

The report does not refer to the Orthodox community at all, or the Serbs still left in Kosovo (unless they are mentioned as villains in the 1999 war). However, historians and journalists have long observed that many “Albanians” visit Orthodox sacred places and even celebrate patron saints “(slava,” a uniquely Serbian Orthodox phenomenon), indicating their origins as Orthodox Christians who converted under Ottoman oppression. Not a few Muslim Albanians descend from converted Catholics (although medieval hero Skenderbeg is not one of them, as RFE claims erroneously; his mother was an ethnic Serb, and he was actually an Orthodox Christian).
Instead of noting this unusual display of attachment to old roots, RFE chooses to interpret it as a mysterious display of “tolerance,” giving both the priest and the mufti a chance to spout politically correct platitudes about “religions of peace” and such. Father Gjolaj even authored this whopper:
“Ilyrians, Albanians, are the seedbed of European culture. This is where European civilization and culture got started.”
Anyone even remotely acquainted with European civilizations knows this is utter nonsense. Either RFE correspondents are ignorant, or deliberately twisting the truth. Or maybe both.
Wouldn’t be the first time.