Senate Votes on Yemen Today!

by | Dec 13, 2022

Okay, everybody, all hands on deck!

This is not a drill.

There are real, no-foolin’, active War Powers Resolutions in both houses of Congress now. They would ban all support for the Saudi-UAE war against Yemen.

And the Senate votes tonight at 7 Eastern time!

This is a historic opportunity. We must seize it.

Call your Senators and insist they support this resolution. It’s SJ Res. 56 (87 in the House).

(202) 224-3121

If you have a Democratic senator, tell them that this will help solidify support for Biden’s diplomacy against the Republicans’ opposition, bring an end to a devastating humanitarian crisis and punish the arrogant MBS for his killing of Kashoggi and his hiking up gas prices.

If your senator is a Republican, emphasize that this is not the War on Terrorism against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. This war is against their worst enemies and has benefited the terrorists these past almost eight years. Tell them the Constitution reserves these powers to the Congress and it’s time to start taking them back from Biden now. And it’s a giant waste of money when we truly cannot afford it. America First! Vote Yes!

And thank you.