Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat and Tongue of Dog

by | Jan 27, 2004

Your moment of Zen, courtesy of John Ashcroft:

Weapons of mass destruction, including evil chemistry and evil biology, are all matters of great concern, not only to the United States, but also to the world community.

Think Ashcroft just let that slip? He has already used the phrase at least three times in public:

Sept. 10, 2002:

But we have seen that the terrorist community has done research in biological — evil biology, evil chemistry, in the dispersion of radiological contaminants and the like, and those have been the subject of previous endeavors.

Sept. 11, 2002:

Well, I believe it was this network [CNN] that came forward with something like 60 hours of tape of training, and thousands of individuals that went through the training, and the interest in biological — evil biology and evil chemistry.

Sept. 2, 2003:

I believe that we’ve already found a number of things that are very troublesome. Things that relate to the development of the evil chemistry and evil biology that could be very dangerous to mankind.

What about fundamentalist loons? Do they pose any risk?