Illinois Senators Duckworth, Durbin Vote To Continue Weaponizing Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

My Illinois Senators Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin had their chance to make a dent in Israel’s ongoing 102 day genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. They voted to continue it.

Senator Bernie Sanders offered a mild resolution calling on the State Department to determine if the billions in US 2,000 lb. bombs and other weapons Israel uses to make Gaza uninhabitable are committing human rights violations there. Under the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, US weapons aid would be frozen if such violations are found occurring.

Tragically for the 2.3 million Palestinians being systematically bombed, starved, denied medicine and functioning hospitals, neither Duckworth nor Durbin saw the need to even investigate cutting off US support for the worst people-made humanitarian catastrophe this century. Their attitude is: ‘Nothing here folks, move on.’

Both are in lockstep support of President Biden’s mad descent into cruelty, death and destruction of the most neglected and marginalized people on earth. Their support of US enabling genocide is a contemptible stain on their governmental resume. If not corrected, it will forever haunt their moral legacy as well.

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at

25 thoughts on “Illinois Senators Duckworth, Durbin Vote To Continue Weaponizing Israel’s Genocide in Gaza”

  1. If I were still living in Illinois, Duckworth and Durbin would be my Senators. I don’t like my senators here in Tennessee.
    Duckworth became disabled after fighting in a war zone. She wants more and more wars and is a bloodthirsty killer like McCain.
    I voted for Durbin in the 2000s, he was against the Iraq War. Now, he wants more and more wars and is for aid to Israel, both of the Illinois Senators back genocide in Gaza so do my Senators from Tennessee.
    I hope there are protesters outside Duckworth’s and Durbin’s offices.

      1. Ditto “my” Senators from Georgia. Might as well throw in the two from my former state of PA.

  2. Nice of them to become HOE-CONSPIRATORS in this Israeli GENOCIDE. They may have to be careful NOT to take any air travel flights that could end ups in a country that would imprison them on Genocide charges FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The Western Democracies are governed by low life criminals. Mafia bosses have as much or more character and decency than those opportunistic politicians. They have no integrity, no conscience, and no moral compass. How despicable these people are.

    The same people who gave us Zelensky gave us Trump, and Biden, and Scholz, and Boris Johnson, Macron and all the other characterless creeps governing so-called democracies that includes members of Parliaments.


    Sen. Bernie Sanders forced a vote on the resolution, which would have opened the door for Congress to freeze U.S. aid to Israel.

    1. Sanders did it as a political move, knowing full well it was going nowhere. I am so disappointed in him. Has his “progressiveness” been a facade?

      1. Sanders voted against the Patriot Act when Bush and the Neo-Cons were pushing it through. I never give anybody my full support or blog for my choices. I always look at action’s. Thanks, VLP1730!

  5. Sanders did not present a bill to cut funding. He presented a bill to generate a report from the state department to determine if there are war crimes, which they already denied.

    Providing cover through manipulated reports or directly voting for mass murder makes little difference.

    But Duckworth is particularly disgusting because she tied FEMA funds to war money, right after Maui suffered tremendous loss. And this is a Democratic party state.

    1. If an investigation confirmed war crimes, the congress could not bypass the Patrick Leahy law forbidding shipments to allies committing war crimes. There may be a an exception for Israel, as usual.

      1. The report would come from the state department, Blinken. He already said the SA case was “meritless”. You actually believe that he would put forth any truth?

        1. You said it, no he would not, he is chicken sh*t. But the nations of the world have to show their color, show where they stand, if nothing else. The USA with help of all the RW political foundations controls practically all international institutions, including the UN. The US/Israel are already losing public support, governments will be accountable to the people we will see how that balances.

          1. I totally agree, he made at least a public display after the trains had left the station. It costs him nothing, he is rich and wealthy enough, he could have resigned, he does not have what it takes, most of all a spine.

          2. He could have presented a bill to stop the aid and read the SA case aloud in the senate. I think he wouldn’t have gotten votes, but it would have been a genuine stand against it.

        2. Blinkey? As in sour milk? Every picture I have seen him with Bibi he has that look like he would like to lock lips with him.

    2. Sanders is a disappointment. He has made a career out of barking for medicare for all, which he knows will never happen. He skirts issues, landing on his feet and on to the next opportunity to skirt issues.

  6. Of all people, you would think Duckworth would understand the suffering of children who have lost limbs due to Israel’s bombing, and call for peace. Such a tragedy that she prefers to continue the suffering, more lost limbs for children. She has become quite a warmonger.

  7. Jan 12, 2024 “Gaslighting & Cherry-Picking”: How Israel Is Defending Itself at World Court on Charges of Genocide

    The second day of South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice at The Hague saw Israel take the stand, defending against accusations that its government is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

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