Over 1,500 Write-In Votes for CEASEFIRE in New Hampshire Primary

by | Jan 25, 2024

UPDATE (1/26, 6:00am EST): Associated Press’s final results omit any mention of the votes for CEASEFIRE in their report.

The New Hampshire Secretary of State has reported that over 1,500 voters wrote in CEASEFIRE in Tuesday’s primary.  A small number of votes have yet to be tabulated.

Reports as of Thursday morning show 1,497 Democrats and 34 Republicans wrote in CEASEFIRE.  These links require MS EXCEL to read.   The links to full county results are available here, also in EXCEL.   These links should have final updated counts within a few days.

Thanks go to the CEASEFIRE Campaign, as well as to the New Hampshire Secretary of State for making the decision to report these counts.