Bibi to Biden: ‘Take Your Red Line and Shove It!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has brushed off President Biden’s warning that attacking Rafah – with a huge concentration of Palestinian civilians – would be a “red line” for the US. He has vowed to attack anyway, defying his prime supplier of money and bombs. Also today: Will the US government actually BAN a social media platform?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

3 thoughts on “Bibi to Biden: ‘Take Your Red Line and Shove It!’”

  1. Biden will cave to Netanyahu again, as he has from the onset. The man is a coward who cares only about his dubious place in history. If it takes another 30-50 thousand dead women and children to get him reelected, I seriously doubt he’ll give such a scenario a second thought.

    Same logic applies to Ukraine. “Whatever it takes” shall be his memoir for the historians to grapple with.

    1. Both conflicts are against the interests of the people fighting in them. Ukraine is worse off, as predicted, as is Russia. Israel looks terrible, and Gaza & West Bank have lost massively.

      Germany is worse off. The US has wasted money and so is probably worse off.

      India is better off, other Asian states too?

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