Running on Empty: 70% of F-35s ‘Not Combat Capable’?

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

A disturbing report from the Government Accountability Office shows that 70 percent – and maybe more – of the outrageously expensive, over-budget F-35 fighter jets are not capable of conducting combat. Yet Washington continues to rattle sabers at Russia and China. Also today: Pentagon not bothering to track weapons sent to Ukraine, and US considering MORE military aid to Israel as “incentive” for lower civilian casualties.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

One thought on “Running on Empty: 70% of F-35s ‘Not Combat Capable’?”

  1. Martyanov on this:

    But, of course, the release of GAO Report on F-35 is shocking, it is mind-boggling. If the situation with the new generation SSN(X) hasn’t been enough, now the actual numbers on combat readiness of F-35 is a shock!

    Good God! The USAF doesn’t have the air force in effect. We knew F-35 was shit, but this–this is the greatest financial swindle in the history of
    combat aviation. Add here LCS clusterfuck, add here SMO and the
    “performance” of US-made weapon systems, and the picture which
    emerges… well, I am awe-struck with the scale of corruption,
    technological ineptitude and BS which permeates the whole system. It is a
    whole other level. Shocking still. I’ll discuss this in my new video.

    And then his video on it:
    THE Report

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