Conflicts of Interest: How Long Will the US Fund Ukraine?

Director of the Ron Paul Institute and co-host of the Liberty Report, Daniel McAdams joins Kyle Anzalone to discuss Biden’s wars and Congress’s inaction.

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3 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: How Long Will the US Fund Ukraine?”

  1. It doesn’t matter. The war will be over probably by September except for some cleanup, regardless of how much money is sent. Most of it goes to the US MIC anyway, not to Ukraine.

  2. Until Americas collapse as the dollar implodes.

    February 23, 2023 American Empire is Collapsing in Real Time

    The United States of America is suffering from a myriad of systemic problems that have been ignored for decades. Some of these endemic crises are now hard to sweep under the rug; and other explosive and intractable issues are just around the corner. The shocking fact is that the disease has metastasized into many areas of the society — politics, economy, infrastructure, healthcare, foreign policy, and even at individual level. The only glue that’s holding this deeply fractured monument is the status of US dollar as the preferred global currency, but that’s facing a bleak future as well due to the rise of a multipolar world.

  3. Trump wants the Israeli war over soon, and he wants the war in Ukraine to end. So…

    He told Israel recently that the world is turning against it. (Or that it’s losing support. I forget the wording.)

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