Bizarre Mitch McConnell on Opposition to War: ‘It’s All Tucker Carlson’s Fault!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

In a bizarre rant after Senate passage of the huge $95 billion foreign aid bill, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed journalist Tucker Carlson for Republican opposition to the overseas giveaway. The top Senate Republican implied that Carlson’s reporting on rampant corruption in Ukraine makes him a “Russian asset” rather than a journalist. Also today: The McConnell/Schumer uniparty bulldozes America.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

8 thoughts on “Bizarre Mitch McConnell on Opposition to War: ‘It’s All Tucker Carlson’s Fault!’”

  1. Mitch McConnell calls Tucker Carlson a Russian Asset, McConnell is a Ukrainian, Israeli and Taiwanese Asset.
    Like most politicians McConnell wants the US and the world to waste its hard earned money on endless, needless wars and aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan.

  2. Are we listening to anything these front men for corrupt US oligarchs are saying these days?

    I find it irritating that all everyone can do is hand-wring over how evil their government is – and the come the election they’ll all go and vote for the same people. What’s the definition of insanity again?

  3. Tucker Carlson is to blame for increasing opposition to war?

    I haven’t even thanked him!

  4. I don’t know if this should suprise us in the least. The US has been engaged in a war on journalism for some time now. It is not supposed to be advertized in such a crude and clumpsy way, but the message is clear nevertheless. Thou shalt not practice fair hearing. Thou shalt not make up thine own mind. And thou shalt never deviate, add or subtract one iota from the truth we revealed and have deemed right for you. This is the American way.

  5. You’re either with us or with the Russians!

    Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

  6. Apr 25 2024 ‘U.S. Aid Not Enough To Stop Russia’: Big Admission By Zelensky’s Aide; Moscow Mocks Kyiv

    Following the approval of a $61 billion aid package by the U.S. Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba issued a stark warning. While speaking to The Guardian he said, “No single package can stop the Russians.” This sentiment corresponds with recent remarks made by a Kremlin spokesperson concerning U.S. aid.

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