Speaker Johnson Declares War on Thomas Massie?

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Was a massive $300,000 AIPAC ad purchase against Republican Rep. Thomas Massie in Kentucky green-lighted by Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson? Is the Republican Party at war with itself and willing to slur its own members on spurious charges of bigotry? Also today, US Army Major, of Jewish background, resigns over Biden’s Gaza policy. Finally, a Republican Rep from Florida drops bill to impeach Biden… for “withholding weapons” from Israel?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

9 thoughts on “Speaker Johnson Declares War on Thomas Massie?”

  1. There is a Civil War going on in the Republican Party. I wish Thomas Massie would become the House Speaker, he’d be a much better speaker than Johnson or McCarthy.
    Israel doesn’t deserve the aid it receives due to ethnic cleansing, the genocide and war in Gaza and it’s not even a Developing Nation.
    Rep Cory Mills, Republican from Florida introduced a bill to impeach Biden for withholding aid to Israel if it invades Rafah, the people in his district should demand he resign but they won’t.

    1. Right the heck on PP300!!! We keep paying them and they keep killing everyone! Forget about it! Time for the Israelis to accept Christ and save their own damn souls, then they can stop killing Palestinians!!! Blessed be! It is Never Too Late!

    2. It is really very basic and very constitutional. There is no enumeration in the constitution that allows for the federal government to award foreign aid. None. Every elected rep either congresscritter or senator has violated their oath of office when they voted yes for the appropriation
      They should all be forced into resigning for failure to honor the constitution. Or, start with the senators being recalled by the state legislators (who need to grow a pair!) The 17th Amendment did not remove the right of states to recall senators who do not represent their interests.ReclaimingtheRepublic.org

      1. Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to “To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years.”

        It doesn’t say they have to be AMERICAN armies ;-)

  2. Was a massive $300,000 AIPAC ad purchase against Republican Rep. Thomas Massie in Kentucky green-lighted by Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson?

    AIPAC is a foreign agent and still allowed to manipulate U.S. elections. The U.S. democracy is controlled by its enemies. AIPAC came from a group that had to register as a foreign agent, so they simply renamed themselves. JFK wanted to make AIPAC register as a foreign agent, and he wanted to curb Israel’s influence in U.S. politics, but then he was killed.


    Congressman Pete McCloskey from San Mateo, recently deceased, opposed Israeli influence, so AIPAC poured money into his opponents’ campaigns and he was unseated in 1982.

    After that he represented some of those AIPAC was spying on. They illegally got hold of people’s police records for blackmail purposes. They sent the files of 10,000 pro-Palestinian individuals and 600 organizations to Israel.

    This was discovered in a San Francisco police raid in 1993. It took nine years to get a $150,000 fine on behalf of McCloskey’s clients, and the media kept silent about it.

    Today the police would never raid AIPAC.

    1. “ Paul Findley, They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby (Westport, CT: Lawrence Hill and Company, 1985).
      A long-running debate among critics of US policy toward the Palestinian-Israeli conflict concerns the extent to which this policy is influenced by domestic pressure groups, especially the Zionist lobby. Conservatives, Arab government officials and many Arab nationalists argue that well-intentioned US presidents and members of Congress are forced to adopt a skewed pro-Israel stance by a powerful, ethnically based, single-issue domestic lobby. Even US officials have argued that “the Lobby” has prevented them from pursuing a more enlightened approach. Leftists, on the other hand, have argued that US policy fundamentally derives from a calculation that sees advantage in a well-armed militarist ally in the Middle East and that hostility to the aspirations of the Palestinian people is typical of its policies towards all national liberation movements.
      Paul Findley, a conservative Republican congressman from Illinois for 22 years, has compiled an impressive and compelling array of real-life episodes illustrating what he believes is the uncontested and overwhelming influence exerted by the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and other pro-Israel pressure groups on the legislative and executive branches of government and academic and media circles. This account is descriptive and does not pretend to deal with the “whys” of US policy or the dynamics of the Zionist movement in this country. Yet the sheer number of battles the Zionist lobby has waged and won on both the national and local levels, and the striking similarities in the baptisms of fire suffered by those, big and small, who dared to speak out publicly against Israel policies, make it impossible for radicals to dismiss the Zionist lobby argument as irrelevant apologia.”


  3. Any Member of Congress who knows Genocide is wrong, would not just vote against arms/money for Israel, but leave their Party. If Massie, others in both parties left, became Independents, Libertarians, etc., it would start a movement. We all have to stop thinking there are only two choices. The Republican and Democrat Parties do not work for Americans, they work for AIPAC/Israel, so going against the Republicans and Democrats is the Patriotic thing to do.

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