Israel Spokesman: Defeating Hamas ‘Unachievable.’ Bibi: ‘Send More Bombs!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

As the Israeli operation in Gaza continues to miss achieving its goals of eliminating Hamas, in-fighting inside the government is heating up. Recently an IDF spokesman said it was “unachievable” to defeat Hamas, as the IDF rushed to “clarify” his statement. Meanwhile Netanyahu BLASTED the US in a new video complaining that weapons were being withheld. Also today: US envoy assures Lebanon that US will back Israel in any war on its territory.

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8 thoughts on “Israel Spokesman: Defeating Hamas ‘Unachievable.’ Bibi: ‘Send More Bombs!’”

  1. Israel Spokesman: Defeating Hamas ‘Unachievable.’ Bibi: ‘Send More Bombs!’

    This is analogous to Ukraine being defeated by Russia and US sends more arms to the doomed country…!

  2. Once again, all this does is make the point of the conflict even clearer: Israel is genociding the Palestinians. It was never about Hamas. Israel deliberately triggered the Al Agsa Flood by threatening the Al Agsa Mosque. Everyone has totally forgotten that.

    And I ask again: Is there anyone with an IQ over freezing point who doesn't understand that? Apparently so – because even the so-called "pundits" are still asking whether the war can be stopped and wringing their hands over "ceasefires" and "Biden stopping Israel" – as if any of that was any more than a unicorn.

    As they said in "Blazing Saddles": "You know…morons."

    There are two people who get what is going on: Alastair Crooke and me.

    1. Threatened the mosque. Pogroms by wild settlers. Brutal blockade. Thousands detained, without charge.

  3. I really don't give a crap what the Israelis do or do not think – about anything. They're no longer a part of the human race AFAIC. They have chosen a path to hell. I trust they will get there.

  4. Hubris and arrogance, are all too familiar, when dealing with Israel’s unlimited supply…

  5. Israel's war and genocide in Gaza are strengthening Hamas and not weakening it. What Israel is doing causes more people in the ME to join Hamas and make even more radical groups.
    Netanyahu says Biden is not doing enough for Israel to finish the job and Biden keeps giving Israel never ending aid. Netanyahu prefers Trump because he won't criticize Israel. Trump will also aid and abet Israel's war crimes. Russia did not meddle in the 2016 Election to make Trump win, I wouldn't be surprised if Israel did. Trump is closer to Israel than any other president in US History, Israel could hand a victory to Trump.

    1. It is making the population in Egypt very hostile to Sisi for not doing anything after Israel took over the Philadelphia Corridor, then wasted the Rafah Crossing. There is hostility by jihad groups throughout the ME.

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