Conflicts of Interest: Israeli Troops Are Given Free Hand to Murder Civilians in Gaza

On COI #631, Kyle Anzalone breaks down the latest news from the Middle East and Ukraine.

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4 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Israeli Troops Are Given Free Hand to Murder Civilians in Gaza”

  1. Israeli troops murder civilians including women, children, the elderly and the disabled and most media outlets, liberal or conservative cover it up.
    The NYPD cheer pro Israeli demonstrators and arrest pro Palestinian demonstrators. They do nothing when pro Israeli demonstrators attack pro Palestinian demonstrators and when they make threats against the officers.

    1. The cops stood down for 6 hours at UCLA while Pro-Zionist goons attacked the Pro-Palestinians students. When they finally did show up, not one Pro-Zionist good was arrested. Something like 63 Pro=Palestinians students were arrested. The Pro-Zionist goons used bear spray, baseball bats and other weapons. There were injuries to the Pro-Palestinians students.

  2. As the various analysts have been pointing out for months, there is zero discipline in the IDF, the troops are mostly brainwashed into Zionist Nazis, and the IDF in general is a poorly trained and poorly controlled military with most of its officers to young to be experienced, since it's a mostly reserve military.

    It will be interesting to see what happens when they go up against the Syria-conflict battle-hardened Hezbollah troops, who may not have the same sort of conventional military training the IDF has but who probably have a lot more motivation, discipline and flexibility in operational art.

    I suspect it will be a massacre – of the IDF. I recall during the 2006 conflict, the Israelis would take refuge in a Lebanese house. The Hezbollah troops would fire an antitank missile through the walls of the house to breach the walls, followed by another to detonate among the IDF troops inside.

    Today, as Jon Elmer demonstrates every week in his Twitter feed and The Electronic Intifada videos, the Israelis continue to do the same things over and over which the Hamas forces take advantage of, resulting in IDF casualties. The Israelis don't cover their tanks with infantry, letting Hamas troops run up and place powerful explosive devices right on the tanks' weak spots. IDF soldiers hang out clearly visible in building windows, easy targets for Hamas snipers.

    Complete incompetence both for the lower and upper ranks.

  3. Hasn't that been the policy since Oct. 7? Just now it has become official, I guess.

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