Conflicts of Interest: American-Made F-16s Are Headed to Ukraine

On COI #633, Kyle Anzalone discusses the latest news from Ukraine and Israel.

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8 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: American-Made F-16s Are Headed to Ukraine”

  1. Biden is moving the US closer and closer to war. The Ukraine War will continue if Biden is re-elected. Trump says he'll end the war but says he'll take a tougher stand against Russia. He speaks from both sides of his mouth.
    The slaughter of Gaza will continue no matter who is re-elected.

    1. Trump withdrew the U.S. from the INF Treaty. Open Skies, in place since the Eisenhower administration, was also set aside. Trump also had javelin anti-tank missiles sent to Ukraine. Trump is a transactional being, and his only connection with Russia was: 1) getting a loan that kept his financial ship from sinking, 2) the d*mn hotel he wanted in Moscow. He got the loan, but he didn't get the hotel. I suspect he decided to show Russia his displeasure by exiting treaties that kept us safe. Besides, in the words of a former mafia capo, "he don't keep his word". The same can be said of the current administration. We are in trouble, folks…

  2. July 11, 2024 Guess Who Are the Real Protagonists of Anti-Semitism

    We are witnessing accusations of anti-semitism, in colleges and universities, coupled with police intervention, arrests, prison sentences, for all those who act in solidarity with the people of Palestine. But there something very fishy going on.

  3. "American-Made F-16s Are Headed to Ukraine…" to be shot down, their airfields destroyed and a lot of dead American pilots (since Ukrainians won't be flying them.)

    Sounds good to me.

    1. With the first squadron of those jets arriving, hyper sonic missiles will chew up the airfields. If they are based in Poland, etc, cross the border into Ukraine, and perhaps right up to the Russian border, I fear Russia will hit those bases in Poland. That would be the excuse for the other member of the "defense" organization (NATO) to step up attacks deeper into Russia. Somehow, I don't think the citizens of those NATO countries are all in on this.

      1. I suspect '16s have been on the market so long that (like MiGs of the same era) tacticians in Russia know their specs and, most critically, their weaknesses and limitations.

        Put green-hat Ukrainian pilots in them and the job of knocking them down only gets easier. Unless, as you say, NATO pilots carrying wet-ink Ukrainian citizenship cards are on the stick.

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