Kamala Harris Continues Support for Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza

Over 40,000 dead with thousands more buried under the rubble from tens of thousands of US bombs in Gaza has made no dent on Kamala Harris’s conscience. Nor has a death toll predicted by the UK medical journal Lancet that upwards of 185,000 will soon be dead from disease, starvation to go along with endless US weapons of civilian destruction in the most grisly genocidal ethnic cleansing this century.

Of course, Harris has more sense than to cheer on the Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Here campaign frames her support this way: “Harris has been clear: she will always work to ensure Israel is able to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups”. She claims to be troubled by the suffering caused by endless US bombs there, but refuses to support an embargo on genocide weapons.

Hubby Doug Imhoff chimed in “Let me just make this clear: the vice president has been and will be a strong supporter of Israel as a secure democratic and Jewish state, and she will always ensure that Israel can defend itself, period. Because that’s who Kamala Harris is.” If Imhoff were honest and decent, he’s could do so by simply replacing “democratic” and “Jewish” with “Apartheid” and “genocidal.”

When anti genocide protesters confronted her Harris about her genocide support during a campaign speech in Detroit, Harris shot back “You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking.” That has become the go-to Democratic response to pushback against Democratic support for Israeli genocide in Gaza: ‘Don’t’ mention US enabling genocide… we’ve got an election to win.

Three weeks into her campaign to become the first woman US president, Kamala Harris’ moral compass is frozen in support of Israeli genocide in Gaza. She should ponder this eternal truth. What does it profit a person to gain the world, when she must sell her soul to achieve it?

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at www.heartlandprogressive.blogspot.com.

21 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Continues Support for Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza”

  1. Harris will continue to fund Israel's slaughter and genocide of Gaza if she is elected in November even if she says Israel should not do this or that and let aid get to Gaza.
    She said "You Know What, If You Want Donald Trump To Win, Then Say That. Otherwise, I'm Speaking".
    Donald Trump is also for the genocide in Gaza, the only differences are he won't say to Israel "Don't Do This Or That". He won't tell them to let aid get to Gaza.

    1. Trump might be better, or worse, if he seeks a path to relocating the Palestinians, hopefully with some amount of starting cash.

      1. Starting cash. Yes; Trump will personally loan the Palestinians billions, at 18.9% APR, with the United Nations and/or EU underwriting his repayment.

        1. You should talk with Israeli supporters. They claim to be for Palestinians but against Hamas. It is insane.* If you mention that they have no food or water, you’re told, “it’s war” and that supposedly Hamas killed Israeli babies, the beheading thing or whatever. It is so insane. They don’t comprehend how many could die from poor conditions and preventable diseases.

          1. Oh, there's a clown or two on here who screech on about "all the evils" Hamas commits (they believe all of it)(confirmation bias) and use that to justify anything that happens to any Palestinian of any age. Five hundred Israelis dead by Hamassian hands? A million dead Palestinians is halfway to "justice", according to the twits I have encountered.

    2. The only difference is she wears a skirt. No difference otherwise. I have not heard Kamala criticize Jared for his comments on moving Palestinians off the beaches in Gaza so he can build those hotels and mansions.

  2. Give Kami a giant C for Consistency.
    I was actually thinking of voting for her but that is now off the table…

    1. Jill Stein. I cracked up when Kamala said that to criticize her was tantamount to allowing Trump to win. What is the difference in policies? Zero. Continue feeding wars, continue sanctions that kill hundreds of thousands, continue giving the MIC what it wants, continue giving Israel what it wants. Jill Stein.

  3. "What does it profit a person to gain the world, when she must sell her soul to achieve it?"

    Since she doesn't have a soul, it's pure profit. As long as there's no accountability in THIS reality, religious aphorisms don't apply.

    All this is irrelevant. We have, what, approximately three months to the election – what matters is whether the Middle East war erupts in that time frame. If the Axis of Resistance is smart, and they want the maximum impact on the US support for Israel, it will. Sink a US naval ship, blow the crap out of Israel, and things on the election front could change dramatically. Or not. But the US Presidential candidates will have to come down on whether they want to support what will inevitably turn into a disaster for the US.

    Scott Ritter said today that the US won't come to Israel's aid because of the usual faux reasons, including "there's an election." So what if there's an election? The candidates will have to decide whether to abandon Israel to its fate, or try to prevent it. That's not a decision they can postpone until after the election if the war starts with a major attack on Israel before the election.

    And Israel can't wait. Once this war starts, Israel is going to get hammered fast. The US military will have to respond forcefully. While it's possible that the conflict will not get up to full speed before the election, it's to the Axis' advantage if it does. Forcing the US to commit means the trap will have been sprung. It will have to be continued no matter who wins – because neither candidate can afford to back out once the US starts, because 1) they get called "traitors", and 2) they lose the Zionist donor class support, and 3) the opposing party will crucify them in Congress for the next four years.

    So if the war starts before the election, the US will commit – because both candidates have already said they would and they can't afford not to.

    So Ritter is wrong again – no doubt because, like most people, he'd like there not to be a major Mid-East war.

    Well, but that war is inevitable. Alastair Crooke said as much today on Judge Nap, although he didn't want to use the word "inevitable."

    1. Do you suspect the IDF not up to the task of taking on Hamas, the Hezbollese, and the IRI simultaneously without US support ? I really don't know how the armed forces on all sides stack up here…if the IDF has the tech & numbers on its own, or not.

    1. "Hey, Never-Trump Republicans ! Our VP kinda looks like Dick Cheney ! You guys liked him, right ?"

  4. I really, really wish that 40,000 number be put to rest. The death toll is many times that. And continuing.

  5. Harris has been condoning and defending the Genocide of Palestinians by Israel, she is stopping nothing. She can NOT wash the blood off her hands, the stain is there forever. Never has she come out and said STOP this Genocide, instead we get wishy, washy excuses for starving, killing Palestinians. She is a failure as a woman, as a human being, who lacks any empathy for mothers watching their children be slaughtered. The same is true for Jill Biden, Melania Trump, Michele Obama, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton, all who watched their husbands engage in the killing of unarmed civilians, for NO reason. Vote against the Rep/Dem Party!

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