Conflicts of Interest: Israel Uses Palestinians as Human Shields

On COI #656, Kyle Anzalone and Connor Freeman discuss the Israeli war on Gaza.

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12 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Israel Uses Palestinians as Human Shields”

  1. There is an old expression: Children live what they learn…
    If one learns a holocaust can they then commit one…
    ”Human Shields”, a tad barbaric, dear ISRAHELL!

    1. Yes, but if one learns ABOUT the Holocaust, then there is personal understanding as to why "Never Again" refers to the act, not the victims' mentality.

      1. Well said Uncle S., well said.
        I only seek peace, for the region, indeed the world.
        Human frailty, at its best!
        Wanting so much but wanting to share…

  2. Well, WWIII is in prophecy but, if memory serves me well, it will be our last, as there won’t be anything left of us.

  3. I often wonder and indeed, I do… How can “chosen people’, as they are called, commit such atrocities…..
    I cannot get through a single day without , it helps to keep me sane, in the midst of madness, indeed insanity!
    Again, I must add, my husband is a Sephardic Jew. Thus clarifying, I am not an antisemite.

    1. It is nice to have this place. And to have a reliable and trustworthy aggregator of decent news sources from across the spectrum, plus insightful original content.

      1. I know a number of Jewish Christians. Jewishness is an ethnicity that’s historically associated with, but not the same thing as, the religion called “Judaism.”

        1. Tell that to some Jews. I got fussed at the other day for saying I’m not ethnically Jewish. The guy randomly asked if I’m Jewish which just surprised me. I don’t look it I think, and I’m not. But apparently he didn’t see it as ethnicity. I offended him…

  4. It’s amazing that “right wing” Israelis wish to erase ancient human heritage… It’s as if they want no traces remaining.

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