NATO Goes To War INSIDE Russia?

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Are we to believe that the recent Ukrainian incursion into pre-1914 Russia completely caught NATO countries by surprise? That they happened to take advantage of weak points in Russian defenses without NATO intel support? NATO weapons – including German tanks – are killing Russians inside Russia. Red line?

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Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

15 thoughts on “NATO Goes To War INSIDE Russia?”

  1. This is some speculation that the Russians allowed this to proceed to a certain extent in order to turn it into a trap. That the Ukrainian operation failed is beyond doubt. The forces used are being exterminated now under the "counter–terrorism" label, meaning that no prisoners will be taken.

    If that label is applied to the SMO as a whole, as some suspect, this will mean Russia will not bother to take prisoners (except as necessary for battlefield intelligence) from here on out across the battlefield.

    Russia can also use this as an excuse to extend its operations into the Sumy region, thus forcing Ukraine to drain even more forces from the contact line and setting up another kill zone as the Russians did with the Kharkiv operation.

    1. The war in Ukraine is one of the few things Biden is alert about. He caused the war to happen and blames it on Russia. He thinks the only way to prove he is tough is to arm Ukraine, he can't act tough on Netanyahu and lets the genocide in Gaza go on.

  2. It sounds like they succeeded in making Russia lose interest in negotiations. Russia seems to want to respond but doesn’t quite know how.

  3. While a PR move, the area the UKA attacked in Kursk is "rural" with a limited road net and a of lot woods, rivers, and hill/ridgelines. A very poor place to try to make a big breakthrough and exploitation. Yes The UKA managed to invade these this borderland area and advance 10-15 Km against scattered border guards for 3-7 days , but the roadnet cannot support a large invasion or alot of UKA troop formations. This is why the UKA is not throwing in alot of reinforcements, they simply cannot be supported. From the looks of it, the UKA is relying on 3 roads as supply/reinforcement roads. The UKA will never make it to Kursk or the nuclear plant, nor does it look they are trying to. This is going to get erased faster than their "Krinky" or "Robotydne" attacks.

    Of concern , is that it was an actual attack into Russia territory proper.

    1. “Of concern , is that it was an actual attack into Russia territory proper.”

      That’s the PR aspect of it.

      It’s one thing for Putin to have little to show after 30 months of war.

      It’s another thing entirely for him to drop the ball on Stalin’s promise that future wars would not be fought on Russian soil.

      The latter is very dangerous for him domestically.

      1. The Russian Federation can have its cake and eat it, too.

        A. Corbley's excellent essay posted here yesterday, demonstrates that the RF attitude towards warfare in Ukraine is remarkably restrained.

        Nothing in RF doctrine, however, states they need to be anything like that within Russian territory.

        President Putin can have a restrained and cautious approach in Ukraine for PR effect (if nothing else) yet EASILY reserve the right to conduct operations against combatants in Kursk as hideously and viciously as the Parliamentary Left (and Russian pride)(the small-p kind) demands.

      2. "It's one thing for Putin to have little to show after 30 months of war."

        Yeah, right. Putin should have turned Kiev into a parking lot way back in 2022.

        1. Have you figured out why Putin isn’t turning the Ukraine into a parking lot, just ethnic cleansing the Ukrainian Catholics and Christians?

      3. Putin is a strategist. I think he let this run for 30 months to see 1. how long can they go on, just like the US is testing the battle capability of the Russian military, 2. he is dead serious about the Nato encroachment eastwards, he would probably prefer negotiations to maintain Ukraine's neutrality. Considering the brutality with which he fought in Syria I think he is measured with Ukraine.

  4. The Ukraine sent its best troops in- freshly trained and rearmed in NATO-run camps- with its best mechanized support, and was stopped cold. Now the incursion force is in danger of being completely annihilated, leaving large parts of the Ukrainian defensive lines even more poorly manned than before. Congratulations, Zelensky- once again, you played yourself.

    1. Perhaps the Ukrainian forces were responding to a distress call.

      "This is the Kobayashi Maru… 19 kilometers out of Kurchatov. We have struck an antitank mine and have lost all mobility… our hull is penetrated and we have sustained many casualties. Can you help us, Kiev ?"

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