The Insanity of US Foreign Policy

Total Subservience to Israel by the Self-Styled Lone Superpower

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Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

What do you do with a president (and of course he’s just reading a script given to him) who says he “fully, fully, fully” supports Israel as it commits genocide in Gaza, gobbles up the West Bank, invades Lebanon, and spoils for a war with Iran? It’s as if Joe Biden took an oath to Israel rather than the U.S. Constitution. And will the madness be any different under Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?

And, speaking of foreign interference in U.S. elections, why is Bibi Netanyahu, the Israeli leader overseeing genocide and invasions, allowed to address Congress, before which he receives stormy applause from virtually every senator and representative? Why are organizations like AIPAC allowed to have so much power and influence (through campaign financing and lobbying) over U.S. elections? Why is it OK when AIPAC brags that its support ensures that candidates win their elections, and that its opposition determines that they lose?

The untoward influence exercised by Israel and AIPAC ensures you have the “choice” of Donald Trump, who advocates smashing Iran for Israel, and Kamala Harris, who gives her unqualified support of Israel’s right to defend itself (of course, everything Israel does is “defensive”). The U.S. military is currently defending Israel in the Middle East, effectively at war with Iran (one hopes it doesn’t escalate, but a wider war with Iran may be the “October surprise” that will have Harris and Trump falling over each other to profess their undying devotion to defending Israel and smiting its enemies in the name of freedom).

It’s bizarre indeed to see the world’s self-styled lone superpower and imperial hegemon reduced to a lackey and toady of Bibi Netanyahu and hardliners within Israel. It’s not just a case of the tail wagging the dog but a flea on the tail wagging the dog.

With my globe in front of me, I see how geographically small Israel is. In land area, it’s roughly the size of New Jersey, Google tells me. Now, imagine if New Jersey completely dominated U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and heavily influenced presidential and congressional elections across America. A little weird, don’t you think?

One of my globes was made right after World War I (circa 1920). Here’s an image from it:

Look for Damascus and Jerusalem (left of center). To the immediate left is “Brit Mand” for British Mandate over Palestine. In 1920, Israel didn’t exist. The tiny area of Palestine, controlled by the British after World War I, is dwarfed by Egypt, Persia (Iran), Arabia, Turkey, and other surrounding powers.

How did “British Mandate” come to dominate America? I knew it: Perfidious Albion! (Yes, that’s a joke, however feeble. I jest to hide the tears.)

William J. Astore is a retired lieutenant colonel (USAF). He taught history for fifteen years at military and civilian schools. He writes at Bracing Views.