Journalist Ramzy Baroud Mourns His Sister Killed Today by Israeli Bombs

Early this evening, Israel killed, or more accurately assassinated, my sister Dr. Soma Baroud, by bombing her taxi in the Khan Yunis area, killing her and six other innocent people.

She was the kindest soul, a great mother and a most loving sister.

She was a member of a generation of female doctors that revolutionized medicine in the Strip.

She healed many people, never charged the poor and until the last day of her life remained principled, loving, kind and patient, even when Israel blew up her house a few weeks ago.

I don’t know what else to say, aside from the fact that I suddenly feel as if a child who became orphaned all over again.

She was a leader of our family, and fulfilled the role of our mother who died at a young age.

I am sorry, sister, that I could do nothing to protect you. I feel deep shame that I live in the very country that paid for and made the bombs that killed you.

When the numbness is gone, I will try to stay strong only driven by the hope that we will meet again in Paradise.

64 thoughts on “Journalist Ramzy Baroud Mourns His Sister Killed Today by Israeli Bombs”

  1. Israel will investigate itself and let itself off the hook for killing Dr Soma Baroud. She is Ramzy's sister and his family will not be compensated by either the USA or Israel.
    Biden and Netanyahu would say Israel did not kill her and it was Hamas that did it.

  2. It seems Israel is intentionally killing the most educated Palestinians in Gaza who represent the best and the future. Deepest condolences to Ramzy and family. Shame on Israel. Apartheid, occupation and genocide needs to be stopped not coddled.

    1. During the Bolshevik Revolution, the intelligent were killed. They think. The organize. It is the same in every coup or revolution. Or genocide.

  3. Every day there are so many blows that it is hard to not become numbed by it. Humans are just not made to cope with tragedies on this scale. Each and everyone martyred by this Zionist racist supremacist abomination, that should not ever have existed in the first place and for which Europe should feel burdened with eternal shame, word defying personal tragedies in shrill contrast to the lives that they should and deserve to be remembered for, testimony of the evil of Zionism and an indictment on the long, long ledger of the history of the seemingly ineradicable supremacist ideologies of which Zionism has taken it upon themselves to compete with Nazism for the title.

    1. @disqus_ilrxJSc5KX:disqus ; "… to compete with Nazism …"

      I think you are showing your true fascist, inhumane, cruel, political position with your avatar of a firing squad.

      1. You said "I think" but that is not true. You don't think at all. But for your benefit, I'll point it out for you that competing with Nazism is not a good thing. At all. Racism, fascism and inhuman cruelty are not good things. Not for Germans and not for Israeli. It is entirely likely that herein lies the source of all your confusion that you fail to understand this rather salient point in a most spectacular way. It is a mental illness of which you suffer.

        1. @Albert Bakker: "but that is not true"

          Why do you choose your violence-glorifying avatar?

          1. This is a drawing depicting the fate of peacemakers. It was made in 1916. The peacemaker stands in front of the firing squad. It's a rather famous person who has made a bit of a business for himself sacrificing life and limbs for the good cause or so it is thought by many.
            But the point is this, that this has been the fate of peacemakers throughout the centuries: because of people like you, safely behind the firing squads, pulling the trigger with them.

          2. @Albert Bakker: "This is a drawing depicting the fate of peacemakers. It was made in 1916. The peacemaker stands in front of the firing squad."

            Thank you for the information.
            Don't you know an internet link of the background of your story?

            I am a former recognized conscientious objector who is involved in the peace movement, and I am collecting arguments in favour of conscientious objection.

          3. Yes, when you are on the defence for a racist regime committing genocide and then go on calling yourself a peace activist, measured by your standards I will be glad to be called a fascist warpig all day. You disgust me to no end.

          4. @Albert Bakker: "I will be glad to be called a fascist warpig all day."

            I thought so, you are an incorrigible, aggressive person who spreads lies, disinformation, conspiracy theories, propaganda without substance or proof. I dispute your defamation of my person.

          5. That is known as projection. It would be very inconsequential on my part to expect anything else from you. I take people who volunteer apologetics for genocide to be indisputably ill-equipped to correct anyone on anything. If this is the position you find yourself in, that means you have failed at being a human being. Without being too misanthropic, not failing to condemn genocide is really not a high bar to pass. This is why I said, "measured by your standards." Because that is where the fault lies.

  4. We grieve with you, as shallow as that may sound.
    We are sorry that our weapons did this.
    Stay strong as you can and we will stand with you.
    Peace is what will heal us, if only partially… and may the wisdom of your own words continue to guide you…
    I know the loss of a sibling as well, though not from war.
    We will all meet in paradise because the only hell I know, is the one we have made here…
    I am sorry for the loss of all lives….

    1. Sorry, Hamas does not respect the customs of war (e.g. taking hostages is forbidden), wages a ‘total war’, does not care about the miserable existence of the civilian population and does not create clear protection zones as non-combat zones …

      If Hamas releases the hostages and proclaims a ceasefire, the terrible war will probably end. Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

      1. Will the Israeli regime release its thousands of hostages as well, stop treating the occupied West Bank as a combat zone, etc.?

        Or is the Israeli regime not also bound by the “customs of war?”

        1. @Thomas L. Knapp: "Or is the Israeli regime not also bound by the "customs of war?""

          In general, I would like to point out that schools, hospitals, mosques etc. have no humanitarian protection from military attack if combatants use these places for military purposes. Furthermore, the principle of proportionality applies to acts of war, even in the case of blockades.

 The Principle of Distinction between Civilians and Combatants etc.

          1. @Thomas L. Knapp: "thousands of hostages being held by the Israeli regime"

            Do you classify prisoners as hostages?

            Aeschylus: “In war, truth is the first victim.”

            I don't know the truth on the ground, only various media reports, which I interpret and weigh up according to the theory of international humanitarian law in times of war, as many other people do.

          2. I classify prisoners who are traded for other prisoners (and even for corpses, as Israel has done for decades) as hostages. That’s what the word means — people held to trade for other people or other ransoms. It’s openly Israeli policy.

          3. @Thomas L. Knapp: "I classify prisoners who are traded for other prisoners …"

            Are you one of those incorrigible people who suffer stupidly from education, who do not know the International Convention against the Taking of Hostages?

            I recommend you install the ICRC IHL digital app on your computer.



   Hostages definition and historical survey

   The taking of hostages and international humanitarian law


   International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages

   International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages

   International Convention against the Taking of Hostages: Another International Community Step against Terrorism


          4. Would that be the same International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages Israel isn’t party to? That International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages there?

          5. In Israel, the difference between signing and ratification is the difference between a suggestion that a contract be entered into and that contract being entered into. The relevant official (the foreign minister in the case of Israel) can sign treaties all day long. Until and unless those treaties are ratified by the Knesset, the state of Israel has not entered into them. Accession is a bilateral matter — at Israel’s end the treaty would have to be signed by the foreign minister and ratified by the Knesset; at the treaty end there might be additional rules for accession (for example, NATO requires the consent of all current member states for a new state to accede).

      2. Holy living f**k, a contributor's family member was just murdered. Is your assertive head so far up your a$$ you can't notice the perfect opportunity to shut the f**k up with victim-blaming and perhaps display a moment of empathetic humanity for someone ? FFS !

        1. @Uncle Sapien: "with victim-blaming"

          You are deliberately misinterpreting my statements. I dispute your vile interpretation of my words.

          1. I was honest.

            That’s entirely the tone-deaf, callous, ignorant level of your screed. So far beneath your usual quality that your best option is to delete the Comment and I’ll delete my Replies pointing out the baffling, self-serving horses**t you somehow thought was appropriate.

            Let me know if you’d like to do this, and save the credibility you’d built on this forum to this point.

          2. @Uncle Sapien: "I was honest."

            You are an incorrigible quibbler, pettifogger, sophist.

      3. She gave a heartfelt comment of condolence to someone that lost a loved one. Nice reply.

  5. OOOOOO Sad day to see the monsters murder your sister. Their evil work has plagiarized the worst of the Nazi Crimes against innocent Jews of Hitler's Reich. They will also end their reign of genocide & terror in the fashion of Nazi ilk they reflect in their copycat genocide

    1. @MvGuy: "Their evil work has plagiarized the worst of the Nazi Crimes …"

      I think that Hamas is waging a ‘total war’ like the German fascists between 1933 and 1945.

      1. How is Hamas doing that without a navy, air force, army, without 2,000 bombs, attack drones.
        Hamas is fighting for independence from Israel. Under international law, the occupied have the right to fight their jailers.

        1. @vlp1730: "Hamas is fighting for independence from Israel. Under international law, the occupied have the right to fight their jailers."

          As a reminder: I criticise Hamas for organising a massacre of the Israeli civilian population, taking hostages and, for example, not clearly protecting the civilian population in Gaza from harm by installing protection zones. All this is contrary to the recognised rules of international humanitarian law.

          Please prove that Hamas is waging an honest war, which I still do not recognise.

          1. could you really imagine yourself living under occupation? Do you know what it means to be derpived of your land and water? to have to buy what they are usurping from you? Could you live among settlers proliferating all the time in the West Bank, who feel "authorised" to beat people up or harass them? Do you know what the international humanitarian law says about people in need of medical treatment? do you know what has been happening before 7th October if a Palestinian had an emergency and wanted to pass one of the check points to visit a hospital? Visit the webpage Breaking the Silence and find what former israeli soldiers say about what they have been doing to the Palestinians all these years. Their words. And don't forget to search in reliable sources how all the previous years Israel has sabotaged all attempted peace talks. So, yes, Hamas has every right to fight against their oppressors, against this apartheid state that has expelled and dehumanised the palestinian people for so long.
            7th October was not the beginning of the war, this is something you should know.

            what Israel is doing right now is a textbook case of genocide, as Raz Segal points out.

  6. Losing a close relative is one of the most painful experiences that a human being can suffer. Losing a comparatively young relative is particularly painful. This is a tragedy for your sister, and a tragedy for your whole family.


  7. Dear brother Ramzy, with death and destruction all around at the hands of Israeli army, the news of your sister Soma's killing by merciless killers adds more grief to many of us who stand for the national rights and the liberation of Palestine from the colonial entity and its limitless savagery in its war on Gaza, the West Bank and now in Lebanon. In this hour of personal grief, my thoughts and sympathy are with you, your family members and friends.

    1. "the liberation of Palestine from the colonial entity " is that code for the destruction of Israel?

  8. Ramzy Baroud has been writing and encouraging the "Palestinians resistance" for years many from the safety of not living in Gaza. The other day he found out the hard way that real people die in the war he supports with his writing. Never the less, it is hard to lose a family member and thus I understand his grief.

    1. You inhuman f**king scum.

      His sister was murdered.

      He might read these Comments.

      Save your lies and horses**t for a different place.

      1. Amen! Another unrepentant defender of the MURDER of Healthcare Workers, Journalists, and other unarmed/helpless folks. Many of them also have relatives who are American citizens. Many of the murdered WERE American citizens as well. My sincere condolences, Mr. Baroudy.

  9. deep condolences, may her and her brother's work give impetus to find a fair and peaceful resoluton

  10. If only International Laws were enforced, Israel would never be allowed to slaughter Palestinians in the past or present. The USA, UK, Europe are the reason that Israel is a Terrorist Criminal State, who continues with the Genocide using WEAPONS made in the USA, UK, Europe. Time for the UN to hold the USA, UK, Europe, responsible and be called WAR CRIMINALS. China, Russia, ME, etc., legally need to stop trading with the War Criminals, meaning no OIL, no GAS, no exchanging of any goods. Want Peace, stop supporting the Zionist!

  11. Innalillahi owa innalillahil rajiun
    They will pay for eternity in the afterlife. Not only that I think a reckoning is coming for Israel. From what I understand god gives the wrongdoers creature comfort based on their abilities so they can enjoy life because they will pay in the afterlife. Yet God dislikes people who r extraordinarily vile and arrogant in this life too no matter their abilities. Too many kids were sniped and too many sick fantasies been played out for there to be no consequences.

  12. I’m sorry these cowardly devils killed your sister. May she Rest in Peace. What kind of a government kills a doctor? Your sister was not an enemy combatant, not a terrorist, not a violent participant. Why did they kill a doctor? A healer! The Israelis are the worst! Wow!

  13. I'm sure the author's sister was a good and decent person whose death was a tremendous tragedy. That's why wars should be avoided, and, more specifically, why one should not invade a neighboring country and massacre 1200 of their citizens and wound or take hostage thousands more. Lots of good people died when the Russians invaded Germany in 1945. I regret that too, but I hardly think Russia had a choice. Nor do I regret that we gave them much of the arms they needed to do it.

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