A Trauma Surgeon Who Worked in Gaza Says: Support Antiwar.com

My name is Feroze Sidhwa. I’m a trauma surgeon in California. I worked in the Gaza Strip in March and April of 2024. What I saw there is indescribable, a massive military assault directed at a civilian population, half of whom are children. Widespread malnutrition caused by a deliberate policy of starvation. Small children shot in the head or chest. An entire society almost destroyed, all with the help of our tax dollars and the US government’s bombs and diplomatic support. There is something truly perverse about trying to save a child who has been shredded to pieces by a bomb I paid for. Oh, and last week Israel banned my organization, the Palestinian American Medical Association, from providing aid to Gaza.

I started reading Antiwar.com in 2000. That year, the Second Intifada broke out, and, of course in the next year we had 9-11. Antiwar.com helped me develop an understanding of how the world actually works, and especially what my government’s role in the world has been. Without Antiwar.com and other independent media organizations, people find it hard to consume mainstream media without being misled. As Noam Chomsky used to say, these organizations help people develop intellectual self-defense.

Antiwar.com is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and has been doing this work since 1995. It is reader-supported and takes no money from any government. I hope you will support Antiwar.com’s work in any way you can!

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