Conflicts of Interest: Washington’s Role in Handing Syria to Al-Qaeda

On COI #724, Kyle Anzalone discusses the fall of Damascus.

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2 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Washington’s Role in Handing Syria to Al-Qaeda”

  1. Kyle is the best! Paisano.
    “The seed that you plant today, tomorrow will be a tree”…
    That is the way to Peace!…

  2. NO. Trump's admonishment for a cease fire is not "good news". It's a clever ploy to put the ball in the Russian court, so to speak.

    The Russians have the upper hand, we all understand. They've stated their goals explicitly. Before they sent their armed forces into Ukraine, they made efforts to achieve a negotiated resolution.

    It does not appear to be clear to them, but they must press on at this point. Taking complete possession and control of the northern Black Sea coast. From Abkhazia to Romania.

    They will do this, or they will LOSE the conflict. Irrespective of how successful they may be in achieving their military goals.

    As western "leaders" have admitted, they were just stringing the Russians along.

    Now, the Russians must choose between effective capitulation (i.e., accede to Trump's demands), leading to their eventual defeat, or suffer the huge public relations embarrassment of seeming the bloodthirsty warmongers that their adversary in Washington is.

    It's always easy to grab at the "solution" that stops people from dying in the present. But this does not necessarily result in a lasting peace that averts further loss of life in the long run.

    If Russians accept Trump's demand, they will lose and we will all be worse off in the long run.

    In the long run, it is the defeat and humiliation of Washington's bloody imperialist ambitions that must be achieved.

    Better opportunities what the Russian military holds in it's hands at present will not manifest.

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