Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Andy David was just interviewed on CNN about the attacks on the Gaza Strip. At the end he was asked if Israel would abide by the UN Security Council’s calls for a ceasefire. Instead of answering simply and saying “no,” he got to his answer in a roundabout way, insisting that the Israeli military’s killings in the Gaza Strip (300 at last count) are really being done for the children, claiming that the children of Sderot haven’t slept in eight years (a remarkable testament to their endurance, to be sure) and that anyone who looks at their tired eyes cannot help but support the continuation of the attacks.
Isn’t the welfare of children usually a reason not to kill people as opposed to a reason to kill them? How well will these children sleep hearing from their government that their rest ostensibly came at the expense of scores of innocent lives? One would hope that in the future the Israeli government will take responsibility for their own killings, instead of trying to lay the blame for a humanitarian catastrophe on innocent children.
The implications to the hundreds of Palestinian children who have just lost their fathers are obvious. Israel has just created a new generation of people with the seed of revenge in their hearts. So much for intelligent policy.
How can fueling the conflict break the cycle of violence? If the Israeli leadership woke up to themselves and realised that their actions are in reality, putting the security of Israel at risk, maybe only then will they sincerely pursue workable relationships with their neighbors.
Pursuing peace is not a sign of weakness. It reflects intelligence. Brute primitive force can not resolve these conflicts or has the last 60 years not taught them anything.
“The implications to the hundreds of Palestinian children who have just lost their fathers are obvious. Israel has just created a new generation of people with the seed of revenge in their hearts. So much for intelligent policy.”
But taht what Israel exactly wants.Isreal trive on presenting and benefits from presenting itself as this little ,poor victim that is incircled by millions of angry fantics bent on its destruction.It was Israel who intited every war in contrary to the pupluar image.
This is all an excuse for Israel to engage in ethnic cleansing in Palestine, with the full support of the government of the USA, and then to move on to attack Lebanon, and other of their neighbors, and I am most ashamed of Bush and Obama. What’s been hit so far: their university faculties for women, their police buildings, their mosques, their hospitals, their apartment buildings, their school children, their infrastructure. Thanks to for your principled work and editorial strong comments these last two days, and for that I am sending you a larger than usual contribution.
You are to be commended, and I hope your focusing on this carnage, 55% of the inhabitants of Gaza being children, is not affecting your health adversely. The silence, or worse, from Daily Kos, Huffington, Democrat Underground, and other trite non-independent sites, tells all about them. I am heart sick!
Playing the victim card has worn thin for Israel. Justifying crimes against many of its neighboring countries by claiming self defense is not credible. Their PR machine can not portray these massacres in a positive way regardless of spin.
The real danger exists in the role of the media. Extensive media networks that believe they are helping Israeli interests by influencing public information in their favor, do not realize that their push for confrontation only worsens situations of conflict. News Corporation’s role in pushing the U.S. into war with against Iraq illustrates this practice.
Arguably, as a society, we are socially and intellectually regressing. Decisions are being made on (primitive) instinct rather than intelligent reason that considers probable outcomes (as opposed to wishful thinking). In the end, is the lust for revenge greater than the benefit of quality of life associated with peaceful co-existence?
Dr. Death (a.k.a. Albright) justified the starvation/slaughter of 500.000 Iraqi children as a price worth paying a while back.
Zionist nazis are just practising moral values set by the new Evil Empire.
“a price worth paying”,,, BUT SHE WASN’T THE ONE WHO PAID IT!
The ‘justification’ used by the Israel is really quite simple.
The Israel is a ‘God’ unto itself (Daniel 11:36-39).
It has no need for any other God, for Revealed Truth, or for the Moral Law.
Whatever it does is, by *definition*, the perfect expression of the Moral Law: its own self-preservation.
That includes exterminating hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of Palestinian children.
So it seems quite clear that the Israel may very well win the propaganda war after all.
After all, who has the chutzpah to criticize *’God’ ‘Himself’*?
Its actions, however, are merely another fractal iteration of Daniel 11:44; for which, of course, there must then occur a retaliation.
Stay tuned.
When your “the chosen people” it’s a whole new world.
OGS, I believe your observations are valid and your assessment of media manipulation is accurate. These ‘cyberwars’ over information sadly undermine legitimate debate.
These cynical strategies to win ‘Hearts and Minds’ do not serve to improve political situations. They become merely a game to those who do not understand the repercussions of state crimes.
Thank you for your observations.
Someday this will all come back on Israel. The Palestinians are not going to dissapear into thin air (much as the Jews would like that) and sooner or later they are going to be the majority population in Palestine / Israel (or whatever you want to call it). There is going to be a terrible day of reckoning someday.
I wonder what the range/accuracy of these Palestinian rockets is. I would guess that a few miles for range and nil for accuracy. Being as the Palestinians must launch from their side of the border, surely it would be a prudent thing to move the Jewish “sleep deprived children” out of range. Could it be that there really is not much danger to them or if there is a slight danger, they are being cruelly exposed so as to present an excuse for the wholesale slaughter of Gaza?
Israel continues it’s policy of ethnic cleansing. The US continues it’s support, big surprise. I feel discusted each time I hear this same old sad story. Criminal behavior on the part of the government of Israel, backed by the criminals in Washington. What I don’t understand is how Hamas can be so stupid as to continueing to lob their mostly useless rockets at a monster. I completely back the right of the Palistinian people to protect their lives and property but this isn’t helping at all. All it has ever done is give the government of Israel some small bit of legitamacy.
The best thing we can do here is protest our involvment. We should never vote for any politician who has given any support to Israel. Wake up sheeple Israel is evil. Hamas continues to act in an ignorant manner. The US policy is to takes the side of Israel, the majority of the people on this site take the side of Hamas. I suggest taking the side of the true interest of the US and staying the hell out of the whole mess. Why should we care who controls this particular piece of earth? Yes the government of Israel is acting in an evil manner but why should we take anyone’s side? They can’t or won’t get along, so how does this make us somehow the judge of the world?
Bring our troops home from everywhere. Stop all aid to all countries. Take care of the US first, last and always.
I agree Brad. The two sides truly deserve each other and truly do not deserve our blood or money. AMERICA FIRST.
This whole affair seems like another Israeli/Zionist false-flag attack!!! Israel lobbed some rockets into itself that killed no one, now Israel is murdering Palestinian men, women, children with impunity!!!
Apartheid Israel must end!!!
This whole affair seems like another Israeli/Zionist false-flag attack!!! Israel lobbed some rockets into itself that killed no one, now Israel is murdering Palestinian men, women, children with impunity!!!!
Apartheid Israel must end!!!!
Hello everybody. First time posting here but i’ve been reading for close to a year now and have been impressed with the info that has been provided.
This is truly disturbing how Israel can justify it’s actions and how the sheep(American people) can sit by and say nothing. Wait they sat by for over ten years while over 500,000 Iraqi children died during the sanctions. My hope for humanity is rapidly shrinking by the day.
Isn’t the welfare of children usually a reason not to kill people as opposed to a reason to kill them?
You’re assuming that the Israeli government gives even a hint of a damn about the lives of anyone but that country’s own citizens (a questionable assumption at best). Given the events of the last sixty years, you’re surely not naive enough to believe THAT.
How well will these children sleep hearing from their government that their rest ostensibly came at the expense of scores of innocent lives?
That all depends on how thoroughly they’ve been propagandized and brainwashed by their own government. I’m sure a few will slip through the cracks and not only feel genuine remorse for what has happened in Gaza this week, but will rise up and attempt to put a stop to it. HOWEVER, if these children are anything like our own here in the U.S., these would be the minority. Like their U.S. counterparts, most Israeli children have probably been too thoroughly steeped in the State’s propaganda to see their Palestinian peers as anything other than vermin to be slaughtered and will no doubt cheer on “their troops”, just as our children cheer ours on in the Israeli-led campaigns of murder and mayhem in Mesopotamia and Afghanistan.
Israel is doing this for the children? What children? The ones who are deprived of proper medical attention, whose parents are confined to a jobless place, who don’t have the proper nutrition due to the lack of food? Are these Israeli children? No, they are Palestinian children who have been suffering far longer than those in Israel.
So quit the stupid reasons for this genocide. The truth is otherwise.
Governments universally hate children.
Are you all serious? Do any of you have any idea how long Israel has sat on their hands hoping that Hamas ..a recognized terrorist regime, would for once do as they said they would do at the negotiation tables… And yet even in the “Cease fire” which wasn’t worth the paper it was written on, Hamas has pummeled Israeli cities like Serdot every single day for over a year. Israel has shown unbelievable restraint while their children sit in Bomb Shelters, homes are destroyed and businesses are obliterated by Kassam rockets. Israel has shown a phenomenal amount of patience waiting to make a move…counting the cost and knowing there would be casualties.
Israel has every right to defend herself against daily terror attacks and they are systematically trying to target ONLY the areas where the Kassam rockets are being launched. Which by the way, Hamas has so cleverly located themselves in civilian homes and schools using the innocents as human shields. And once again Israel is the bad guy in all of this.
As for the children…any loss of life is horrible…but a life filled with terror and having specialized counselors come into your schools and homes to help deal with ongoing Post traumatic stress syndrome in 2 & 3 years olds, that is OK? Enough is enough…..There is a time for every season under heaven…a time for peace and a time for war. A time to build up and a time to tear down…..a time to negotiate and a time to protect your citizens.
Intelligence and peace talks with only go as far as the intent to carry them out. And clearly Hamas …after all their chances have chosen not to keep their end of the bargain….
It is not a popular politically correct choice…and people, nations; …the world for that matter can blame Israel all day long…but at the end of the day, they are a Sovereign Nation…and they are allowed to do what they need to do to defend themselves regardless of what the World thinks of them….so Hamas can propagate all day long…and everybody can have an opinion…but until you live there…and see what is really going on…be careful not to cast the first stone….
Hasbara nonsense and dishonesty.
Yeah, yeah, sure, Israel “has the right to defend itself” , “Israel has the right to this, this and this”,,, Isreal seems to have so many “rights”,,, Anything you say. I’ll tell you what. I wish America would have nothing more to do with this mess then Mongolia does. Let Israel “defend” itself with its OWN money and political capital. I’m tired of seeing 3-4 billion dollars a year in American money go to Israel in “foreign aid” while our relations with the Arab and much of the Islamic world are poisoned by our one-sided support, (which is really just the support of America’s corrupt, bought and paid for political establishment and media sycophants). Israel wants to fight a war (er, pardon me “defend itself from Palestinian terorism”), fine do it with your OWN money, and suffer the diplomatic fallout yourself. You want to attack the Gaza strip? Not on my dime lady. NOT ON MY DIME!
Right on, Andy!
Christine, Why should Israel wait for Hamas to negotiate before they do the right thing and get out of the occupied territories and start treating the Palastinians like humans? I would suggest that this would do more to stop the attacks than one more round of killings. It’s become one large circular arguement. I won’t get out until you stop trying to kill me, and I won’t stop trying to kill you until you leave. So why won’t Israel get out and treat the Palistinians with respect? Because they are not really interested in Peace for their children or for the region. They just want to win and keep the territories, end of story. They use every rocket thrown at them as an excuse to continue their occupation. That of course is the reason why its become obvious that Hamas is ignorant, they are playing right into the hands of the warhawks in Israel. That or they don’t care about their people anymore than the Israelies care for theirs. They both seem to want the war more than they do a lasting Peace.
Brad, you’re spot on only Hamas is not ignorant of the fact that the rocket attacks will bring a severe response. They are merely desperate. After months of the Palestinian people truly suffering from the blockade, a form of economic warfare by the Israeli state that violates International Law (the collective punishment of a civilian population hrough the restriction of essential supplies), the restraint associated with the truce only worsened the situation for the Palestinian civilians.
What options did Israel give them? Suffer in silence or retaliate any way they can? I do not support the rocket attacks, I merely understand why they happened. The Palestinians have been backed into a corner. What does anyone do when backed into a corner?
A C, It may well be that Hamas is not ignorant but only desperate. Another possibility is that Hamas is baiting the monster. They have not retaliated with the amount of rockets that Israel has expected. Do you think it’s possible that they are waiting and preparing for the ground offensive? If I was in Hamas I would not have launched any rockets but I would have been setting IED’s all over the place. This would have placed Israel clearly in the wrong and at the same time no one should be able to call Hamas wrong for defending their own lives. Only time will tell, but how long will this go on?
I don’t know what I would do as a Palestinian, but your right in that they do have the right to defend themselves. I don’t believe in war for any reason other that self defence, but they have clearly been under attack for decades. One of the saddest things is how poorly the Palestinian refugees have been treated by their fellow Arab nations. They have been played as pawns in this war from the beginning. The US backing of Israel is even worse.
“Do any of you have any idea how long Israel has sat on their hands hoping that Hamas ..a recognized terrorist regime, would for once do as they said they would do at the negotiation tables… And yet even in the “Cease fire†which wasn’t worth the paper it was written on”
Yet even Israeli sources say that Hamas followed the Cease Fire until the Israeli Government was itching for a fight and carried out attacks against the Gaza strip last month. Even Israeli sources say that yet again this Offensive was planned months ago.
“Hamas has pummeled Israeli cities like Serdot every single day for over a year”
Yeah, you live in Serdot? No? Then I will believe what certain Israelis said. Such as that Hamas stopped firing Light Mortars and their oversized “Qassam” Model Rockets/Fireworks over the “prison” wall and at random areas of Israel for nearly six months until an Israeli attack killed I believe it was 3 Palestinians last month. That was a provocation from the Israeli side, which worked out well for Israel, they apparently got what they wanted.
“Israel has shown unbelievable restraint while their children sit in Bomb Shelters”
And what about Palestinian children? They aren’t “human”? Do they even have “Bomb Shelters” to hide in from the 500lb(or around 250kg) bombs smashing their whole neighborhoods into rubble? I even saw pictures of DEAD and CRIPPLED Palestinian children from this latest Offensive. But that does not concern you because they aren’t “human” to you are they?
“homes are destroyed and businesses are obliterated by Kassam rockets”
You have to be kidding me? Those oversized Fireworks probably barely have 2 lbs(or around 1 kg) of explosive, if they have any at all. I would be surprised if they even scratch some paint off Israeli houses. Let’s get real here, Israelis have a greater chance of being struck and killed by lighting than by a Qassam rocket.
“Israel has shown a phenomenal amount of patience waiting to make a move”
Yeah sure. Of course strangely the massacres of Palestinians always come before some political event in Israel such as an Election.
“Israel has every right to defend herself against daily terror attacks”
Nazi Germany also claimed it had a “right” to “defend” itself against “Polish aggression”.
“they are systematically trying to target ONLY the areas where the Kassam rockets are being launched”
Oh now you are also the Chief of the Israeli Air Force too? Seems to me that what the IAF is doing is maximizing deaths among the Palestinians by bombing areas crowded with people. Also bombing the Hospital so the victims of IAF attacks can’t get medical help(but lets also remember medical supplies are not being sent into the Gaza strip). The Qassam rockets are simply a perfect excuse to carry out a “limited” ethnic cleansing.
“Which by the way, Hamas has so cleverly located themselves in civilian homes and schools using the innocents as human shields.”
Those bastards! They have the nerve to be standing where Israeli bombs hit, in hospitals and schools.
“And once again Israel is the bad guy in all of this.”
Nonsense. It simply has more to gain as always. Israel wants the Palestinians to disappear. There is probably already an Israeli Government office covered in plans for the “future” Mediterranean Sea Side Settlement and Resort Complex – where Gaza is now.
“but a life filled with terror and having specialized counselors come into your schools”
Forgive me, I would prefer Counselors to “Paveway” Laser Guided Bombs(provided almost free of charge to the IAF by the US Government) “coming into” nearby schools.
“Post traumatic stress syndrome in 2 & 3 years olds, that is OK?”
They must have a “very” advanced School program in Israel, since 2 year olds are usually too young to go to school. PTSD is better than missing both legs, blown off by a bomb Made in USA.
“a time for peace and a time for war”
The latter seems to be more common, I guess all those people in the IDF have too much “time” to “kill”.
“a time to negotiate and a time to protect your citizens”
So negotiating with Israel’s “enemies” is not “protecting” its citizens? You think bombing your neighbors actually solves any problems? It creates a cycle of violence that continuously creates more death and destruction, this should not be desirable.
“And clearly Hamas …after all their chances have chosen not to keep their end of the bargain”
And if they are going to be starved, bombed, and repressed by Israel why should they?
“they are a Sovereign Nation”
That achieved this by behaving exactly the same way as Hamas does today. Or are you going to claim that Irgun(Etzel) and their kind never carried out terrorist attacks?
Christine I believe there is a humane side of you. But you need to see things from multiple points of view, put yourself in the shoes of Palestinians also.
Bill K, thats not short for Billy Kristol is it?
I can’t stand the guys “opinion” pages.
Can’t you see I am “criticizing” her view?
I said it before and I’ll say it again, the real danger to be concerned about is Israel’s threat to attack Iran. If Israel (with the backing of the ‘Neocrazies’) attacks the Iranian nuclear power facilities at Bushehr, how will Russia react to its citizens (1600-2000 staff) and commercial agreements (oil, gas, nuclear energy) in Iran being attacked? For that matter, how will China react to its energy agreements with Iran being undermined? They are all part of the SCO.
Any attack against Iran may very well also see a Russian and/or Chinese response.
Get ready for World War 3 gentlemen.
(North Korea may soon be another battlefront. Keep an eye on developments)
A C, I agree completely. I have thought even befor 9/11 that the goal of the neo-cons has been the takeover of the middle east, with Iran at the center. We have now invaded two of their neighbors and built permanant air bases within miles of it’s borders. Israel may well start the next world war, but we have obviously been planing to end it for years. I think it’s past time that China and Russia get together and tell us in no uncertain terms that they won’t put up with it. That may be the only thing that will stop the coming of WWIII.
The Russians and Chinese are not going to start fighting Israel. The Russians are even taking Vacation tours to Israel to the Red Sea. The Chinese could make some moves, but won’t start a war.
I believe Iran would be on their own, the Israelis won’t bomb the Bushehr Power plant, there is no guarantee that Fuel rods inside won’t be vaporized and poison the region with Radioactive fall-out. Besides, the Bushehr facility is for producing Electricity, nobody can make a convincing argument it is anything else. On the other hand the nearby Iranian Naval Base may be a better target, especially if the long term goal was to neutralize the threat of Iranian retaliation in the Persian Gulf against the US Navy.
Brad, your absolutely right. Russia already has taken the carrot or stick approach. It warned Bush Administration officials about the plans for missile bases in Eastern Europe, the U.S. role in the Georgia conflict and NATO expansion. It also offered to engage in improving relations stating they were not interested in further conflicts.
The Condi and Gates response was not so diplomatic. U.S. warships are currently in Georgian ports, the missile bases are still being pushed ahead, Georgia and Ukraine have been promised eventual NATO membership and the Bush Administration has signed a strategic agreement with the Saakashvili government.
Condi and Gates seem to think they do not need to negotiate. Will Hillary be any different? As for the Chinese, they traditionally handle these situations differently. They avoid confrontational rhetoric but are slowly building up their military.
The warning flags are all there. If somebody in office would see them it would help.
All the best Brad.
Bill K, you’re proposing war strategies on an antiwar site. Please offer your inspired words of wisdom to the New York Times, the Weekly Standard or AIPAC. They will gladly listen. Your attempts at political manipulation of the antiwar movement is noted.
I’m sorry, you seem to have the wrong idea about me. I am not “proposing” anything. I am just pointing out that a Nuclear Power plant won’t be what they will bomb(if they attack Iran), they don’t need that radioactive dust settling over Israel. The Russian built reactors don’t produce bomb material, they are Water-Moderated Water-Cooled Reactors that use basic commercial Low Enriched Uranium Fuel rods to create electricity.
And they can’t just bomb Iran and not expect retaliation of any kind. Iran is not Gaza or Lebanon. The Iranians will see it as a violation of their sovereignty, and Hezbollah may begin showering Rockets on Israel again in retaliation. I don’t think the US Military will remain neutral in such a conflict and more than likely neither does Iran. Their immediate response would be to hit US Navy forces in the Persian Gulf, for this reason I believe the first attacks on Iran in a “hypothetical” war against Iran would be on their Navy and Coastal defense bases.
I am not supporting such a war, and I personally don’t want such a war to happen, but if it were to happen I am just pointing out how it could happen based on wars that have happened in the past and how Militaries handle such wars today.
I apologize for misinterpreting your comments.
Bill K, if I misinterpreted your comments regarding the fact that the Iranian naval base would be a better target, I apologize. As for the Russians and Chinese not fighting back, we only have to look at the mobilization of Russia’s armed forces and the frequency of combined Russian-Chinese military exercises. The messages of warning are clear.
Policies of the Bush administration including U.S. arms shipments to Taiwan, U.S. strategic agreements with Georgia, promises of eventual NATO membership for Georgia and threats of an attack against Iran are all inflaming tensions. If any conflict were to develop between the U.S./Israel and Russia as a result of ‘neocon’ foreign policy, the SCO agreement is likely to see a Chinese intervention. It is important to recognize that Iran is a strategic partner of both the Russians and Chinese and also an associate member of the SCO.
“we only have to look at the mobilization of Russia’s armed forces”
So far since 2000(when Putin came to power) there have been few major progressive developments in the Russian Military. From my point of view a perfect analogy for the current Russian situation is a “scarecrow”, the Russian Government essentially wants to present a “strong” image to scare away NATO from its neighborhood. That is why they fly Soviet built (Bear) bombers around NATO countries and send Soviet built(Kirov class Cruiser) Warships on voyages to the Caribbean, the key here is they are still operating Soviet built equipment, potent but aging.
“the frequency of combined Russian-Chinese military exercises”
Which happen at most once a year.
“U.S. strategic agreements with Georgia, promises of eventual NATO membership for Georgia”
For the Russians Ukraine is more important. Georgia is the Laos of Eastern Europe(in importance, I don’t mean anything negative toward Laotians), it has virtually no usefulness to the Russians other than it is a conduit of Caspian Oil shipments. Ukraine on the other hand is a former Soviet Industrial hub. Many key former Soviet industries like Rocket and Aircraft design and manufacture are located in this country, they can’t afford to lose it. Plus to them Ukraine is where their nation was born. It would be like Pennsylvania became an independent country and a Military ally of China.
“If any conflict were to develop between the U.S./Israel and Russia as a result of ‘neocon’ foreign policy”
I don’t see this as a possibility. Perhaps through 3rd parties(proxies).
“the SCO agreement is likely to see a Chinese intervention. It is important to recognize that Iran is a strategic partner of both the Russians and Chinese and also an associate member of the SCO”
Perhaps the Chinese might intervene, but I doubt the Russians would.
Bill K, thank you for your reply. My subsequent comment was sent before I saw your posting. (I did not refresh before posting). For this I apologize.
Your comments on an Iranian response are accurate. The other danger is that an attack on Iran might fuel more extremist action. Scott Ritter, former U.N. weapons inspector has speculated that an attack against Iran may end in nuclear terrorism. I think his words were, “pick an American city, any American city, because we’re going to loose one”. Given the alleged level of activity in the nuclear black market, this may not be as unlikely as it first seems.
All the best for the New Year. A C
And a Happy New Year to you also.
If “something” were to happen in Pakistan and their Nuclear Arsenal was to “mysteriously” disappear I think most of the World would have something to worry about. Many of the guys in the Pakistani ISI likely still know their “old” contacts. And Iran probably wouldn’t mind having a few Pakistani made small Nuclear Warheads around, the kind that could fit on a Shahab-3 Medium Range Ballistic Missile.
Bill K, thank you for your reply. It is interesting to observe that with the Middle East on the brink of a regional war, Ski Lanka and much of Africa embroiled in civil conflict, the Balkans simmering with a very short fuse and North Korea being antagonized by a new right-wing South Korean leader combined with the ‘interesting’ diplomatic style of Christopher Hill (reference to similarities to the pre-Iraq conflict ‘diplomacy’), India and Pakistan mobilizing on their respective borders , how little it would take for this to become a recognized World War.
Another ‘Kursk’ incident (see the documentary ‘Kursk – A submarine in troubled waters’ if you can, its online) is all that is needed to trigger a truly disastrous event.
The Russians already believe that the Georgian offensive that killed its peacekeepers in South Ossetia was a U.S. (Neocon) engineered proxy war for control of political and resource interests in the region. Our interpretation is not as important as their interpretation. We are certainly living in interesting times.
As for Iran, I don’t believe that they would be stupid enough to use any nuclear weapons even if they managed to access them. I sadly believe we are more likely to see a nuclear attack in the form of nuclear terrorism. Another reason we should be building bridges and not pouring fuel on the fire.
Lets hope that some form of sanity prevails. All the best.
“Another ‘Kursk’ incident is all that is needed to trigger a truly disastrous event.”
Well it would certainly be a disaster if something like this happened again. But I don’t think it would trigger WW3.
This would require the US Military to actually attack the Russian Military.
“The Russians already believe that the Georgian offensive that killed its peacekeepers in South Ossetia was a U.S. (Neocon) engineered proxy war for control of political and resource interests in the region. Our interpretation is not as important as their interpretation.”
Well Georgia certainly had US Government help and “instructors”(ever hear of MPRI? they are US Government certified Mercenaries), who were in a rush to leave Georgia on the first plane to JFK by August 11. So “their” interpretation is correct. There is also the fact that the CIA was monitoring Russia’s Military at the time, more than likely passing along information to the Georgian Military. The plan was to catch the Russians with their pants down, like the Croatian Operation against its Serb minorities(which were ethnically cleansed with military force in 1995, organized by the US Military). Some sources I have read say those planning the attack(same MPRI people) wanted to take advantage of several key situations: 1. Most of Russia’s Political leaders were in Beijing for the Olympics. 2. There was/is a major conflict going on in the Russian Ministry of Defense revolving around new nonsensical “reforms” which are/were being pushed by a former Furniture Salesman now acting as Defense Minister, much of the Command Structure had been disbanded(for insubordination) leaving the Military without leadership right before the war in August.
As a result the Russian response early on was very chaotic, because there was no plan in place and no one was issuing any orders from above. The Russian Field commanders got together what they could and sent it to Georgia to support the Peacekeepers already there.
“As for Iran, I don’t believe that they would be stupid enough to use any nuclear weapons even if they managed to access them.”
Neither do I, but I think the Iranians might want some kind of deterrent against Israeli attacks, and it is unlikely they will be able to create it themselves any time soon.
“I sadly believe we are more likely to see a nuclear attack in the form of nuclear terrorism.”
Well let’s hope it does not come to this.
I understand the need for Israel to defend itself but its military force is way more powerful and it’s shooting fish in a barrel against Gaza. Is there a chance that other countries might come to the aid of the Palestians with proportinate firepower to match Israel’s? Just wondering.
If that happens, then what?
That is unlikely. There are no countries in the region who are independent from US and Israeli influence who are powerful enough to stand against Israel.
The only possibility is that the Israeli Government(Livni, Barak, Olmert, and company) could try to expand the conflict into a Regional War(like in 2006), or if there was some kind of Coup in Egypt or Saudi Arabia. And then there would be the threat of Israel using its Nuclear Arsenal.
Rocket atatckes!Rocket attacks.
All you hear now is about rocket attacks by Hamas.Forgotten in all of this is the root cause of this.The concpiracy that the Plaestnians were driven from their homeland and it was given to another people.…
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