Raed Jarrar posted a bizarre Kimmitt (the Iraqis have started to call him Kimmitt the Frog)quote.
The shadows of the unpleasant events of Falluja will affect the image of the American Army in Iraq… it will only increasing the anger of Iraqis, and help more extremist right winged leaders dominate the political mood.
For God’s sake, didn’t anyone think of starting a survey to attempt to predict what this war might cause from a socio-cultural perspective? A survey to compare the anger and hatred of both Arabs’ and Americans’ “regular Joes” before and after the war of Iraq??
Don’t you believe that the war on terror must start with fixing the deep roots of the problem?? The real reasons that cause horrible incidents like what happened on the 11th of Sept…. the reasons that rationalize the plans of people full of hate going all the way to kill themselves with other thousands of American civilians?
Well… Kimmitt the frog has an interesting theory…
Today, he asked Iraqis to simply “CHANGE THE TV CHANNEL”…
What the!!!!!! I mean… he was answering a question from an Iraqi journalist, about how to enhance the image of the American Army, after Iraqis saw hundreds of civilians being killed in Falluja on the Arabic TV channels…
He said that twice! I swear to god! “Change the Channel”!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Well, he really did say it. I googled it up.
Coalition spokesmen Sunday were unwilling, however, to admit to widespread civilian casualties and said U.S. forces had acted in self-defense. Kimmitt noted that the bombing of a wall surrounding a mosque last week, killing a reported 45 people, was necessary because insurgents were using the mosque to attack coalition forces.
He blamed Arabic language newscasts for distorting events.
“My solution is change the channel,” Kimmitt said in response to a question from an Iraqi journalist. “Change the channel to a legitimate, authoritative, honest news station. The stations that are showing Americans intentionally killing women and children, are not legitimate news sources, that is propaganda and that is lies, so you want a solution, change the channel.”
So, if the TV tells you something different from what Prince Kermit says, change the channel until you find one that isn’t distorting everything!. And anyone showing you live images of Americans killing children and women is a liar! When you see this live on your TV remember that the TV is lying!
As Brig Gen Mark Kimmitt, the deputy director of U.S. military operations in Iraq, was speaking by phone on al-Jazeera and insisting that American forces declared a unilateral ceasefire in Fallujah, the channel was airing live images of continued air raids by F16 fighter jets on residential neighborhoods of the town.
Kimmitt later dismissed the coverage of the channel for the crisis as a “series of lies”. However, asked by al-Jazeera anchor about the live images, the U.S. commander said he was not accusing al-Jazeera of faking the images, but rather “looked at things differently”.
He said the attacks by F16 fighter jets and helicopters were meant to take out “armed insurgents firing at our troops”. The anchor reminded Kimmitt, however, that “live coverage showed children and women killed by the missiles, not armed insurgents”.
Damn those al Jazeera pests! They were making Kermit sound as demented as Bagdad Bob!
What’s a frog to do? And if you say this is anything but a big fat al-Jazeera lie, you’re an unpatriotic terrorist antiamerican commie traitor! You wish Saddam was in power with his people shredder! You hate freedom and you should change the channel!