OK, everyone should be able to squeeze at least one blog entry out of their bookmarks, so here are mine. Actually, these aren’t my bookmarks (I’ll spare you the boredom of that overgrown list), but my “Daily Routine” at Backflip, the first sites I click through each day. Get ready to harrumph, detractors!
1. Antiwar.com: Duh.
2. Free-Market.net News: a daily roundup of news and commentary of interest to libertarians
3. Cursor: a daily roundup of news and commentary of interest to lefties
4. [i]Wall Street Journal[/i]’s Best of the Web: a daily roundup of news and commentary of interest to neoconservatives
5. Popdex: what’s hot on the Web
6. [i]Christian Science Monitor[/i]: venerable without being Establishment
7. BBC: what’s hot in Britain
8. Al Jazeera: what’s hot in the Arab world; I’m usually most interested in seeing which international (ie, American or European) events they choose to cover
9. Liberty & Power: keeping an eye on the loony libertarian fringe (just kidding guys!)
10. Instapundit: keeping an eye on the loony warmonger mainstream (not kidding at all)
11. Jim Henley: making sure he hasn’t dissed me
12. Lew Rockwell: news and commentary of interest to Lew, and usually paleos, too
13. Hit & Run: news and commentary of interest to neolibertarians
Again, I cruise many other sites, including our lovely and talented blogrollees, on a daily, semi-daily, or weekly basis, but these are my opening daily reads. Maybe you’ll enjoy some of them, or recommend some new ones to me.