The Republic of Georgia is a small undeveloped Asian nation that was once part of the Soviet Union. It plays no role in the American economy or security yet was conquered by the American empire in 2003 when the CIA covertly organized a coup to establish a puppet government. Billions of dollars in American military aid, hundreds of military trainers, and thousands of American troops arrived. Russia protested this invasion, but objections were used to proclaim a return of the Cold war and the need for large increases in military spending.
Author: Carlton Meyer
The NATO Conquest of Eastern Europe (video)
General Dwight Eisenhower was the first NATO supreme allied commander. After assuming that post in 1951, General Eisenhower wrote about NATO’s goal: “If in 10 years, all American troops stationed in Europe for national defense purposes have not been returned to the United States, then this whole project will have failed.” It did fail because seven decades later, long after the Soviet Union dissolved, NATO still exists with thousands of American troops deployed throughout Europe. The Warsaw Pact was disbanded in 1991 as Soviet troops withdrew from Eastern Europe. The American empire exploited this peace to expand NATO and absorb former Warsaw Pact nations and even former Soviet republics while deploying NATO forces to Russia’s borders.
The American Invasion of Russia in 1918
President Woodrow Wilson dispatched 5000 American troops to northern Russia and 8000 troops to Siberia without seeking approval from the US Congress. The Allies wanted to overthrow the new communist government in Russia to restore a monarchy that would renew war with Germany. Moreover, they wanted to crush the idea that workers can oust monarchs and take control of governments.
The Slaughter of the Yanks in 1918
The biggest battle in US Army history was the 1918 Meuse-Argonne offensive. This World War I battle is rarely mentioned in our media and school history books. Once a million American draftees were assembled for combat in France, they were ordered to charge into the strongest German positions, resulting in 26,277 American soldiers slaughtered in just 47 days.
Carlton Meyer’s website is G2mil.
The Genocide Called World War I (video)
Books and movies about World War I are not popular because they are depressing. Leaders of world’s great nations destroyed a generation of men in pointless bloody battles. Few Americans realize that World War I was America’s worst foreign policy blunder. Bankers had loaned Great Britain and France more money than they could ever repay. However, if Germany lost, they could demand the Germans pay massive reparations to help pay back these loans. These bankers manipulated American politicians and media to approve American intervention that prolonged the war.