Ron Paul: That’s How We Roll – Right Over the Constitution!

"We are," said President Obama, "the indispensable nation."

"That’s how we roll," he said, explaining his bombing of Syria. "That’s what makes this America."

But what about the Constitution? Doesn’t that have something to do with what makes this America? This week on the Podcast, Charles Goyette talks with Ron Paul about the endless war in the Middle East, intelligence failures, so-called moderate Syrian rebels, and the Constitution.

Listen to this week’s podcast HERE.

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Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Check out Goyette and Paul’s national radio commentary: Ron Paul’s America. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.

Ron Paul on ‘Bombs Away Syria!’

The Nobel Peace Prize winner has launched another bombing campaign without a declaration of war. President Obama’s latest initiative saw more bombs dropped on Syria in its first night than in a month of attacks on ISIS in Syria.

This week Charles Goyette talks with Ron Paul about the new U.S. front in the never-ending Mideast war, and if ISIS is the real or the only target of the campaign.

Listen to this week’s podcast HERE.

Subscribe to The Ron Paul and Charles Goyette Weekly Podcast on iTunes

Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy . Check out Goyette and Paul’s national radio commentary: Ron Paul’s America . Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter .

Ron Paul on the Two (Interventionist) Party State

Just as Barack Obama was to announce what some are calling Iraq War III, Dick Cheney emerged on Capitol Hill to scold Republicans about isolationist heresies.

An interventionist philosophy prevails in both Washington parties, but not on The Weekly Podcast with Charles Goyette and Ron Paul. This week the conversation is about ISIS and Obama’s latest American initiative in the Mideast. Dr. Paul points to the role played by foreign forces, whether on the ground or by way of aerial bombardment, in radicalizing domestic populations which then ally themselves with groups like Al Qaeda and now ISIS.

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Subscribe to The Ron Paul and Charles Goyette Weekly Podcast on iTunes

Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Check out Goyette and Paul’s national radio commentary: Ron Paul’s America. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.

Ron Paul on ISIS, Syria, and Foreign Follies

Just weeks ago President Obama requested an extra $500 million dollars for Syrian rebels. Now with the ISIS rebels having spread across northern Iraq, European sources tell us that the U.S. is passing intelligence on to the Syrian army to target rebels in Syria.

The elective Bush war in Iraq for WMDs that never were is a good case history in the folly of U.S. interventionism. But the rise of ISIS is an even more compact representation of interventionism’s contradictions and failures.

This week Dr. Paul and Charles Goyette talk about ISIS, Syria, and U.S. foreign policy follies.

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Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Check out Goyette and Paul’s national radio commentary: Ron Paul’s America and the Ron Paul and Charles Goyette Weekly Podcast. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.

Ron Paul: Hey Obama, Leave Ukraine Alone!

Will a trade war over Ukraine erupt into a hot war? The face-off between the Russia and the U.S. along with its European followers continues to grow. With the spread of sanctions and retaliations, the forces of trade that are a natural check on the escalation of hostilities are undermined.

On this week’s podcast Charles Goyette and Ron Paul discuss the prospects for a U.S. – Russian proxy war in Europe.

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Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Check out Goyette and Paul’s national radio commentary: Ron Paul’s America and the Ron Paul and Charles Goyette Weekly Podcast. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.

Ron Paul: End the CIA

Only after lying about it, the CIA admits to breaking in to Senate computers. It’s an old story. After lying for decades about staging a coup in Iran, the CIA finally fesses up. The spy agency record of lies and failures is long. And now even Nancy Pelosi admits to a fear of criticizing the CIA. "They really come after you. There’s a price to pay.”

On this week’s podcast Ron Paul and I talk about why the CIA is absolutely incompatible with a free people and why it should be ended.

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Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Check out Goyette and Paul’s national radio commentary: Ron Paul’s America and the Ron Paul and Charles Goyette Weekly Podcast. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.