Donald Barlett and James Steele

Military Industrial Complex Steals Billions


Investigative reporting team Barlett and Steele discuss the approximately 9 billion dollars “missing” in Iraq, Paul Bremer and Alan Greenspan’s denials on the matter, the fact that the “accountants” in charge were a couple in San Diego who did no accounting at all, what might have actually happened to the money, the involvement of the neocons at the Pentagon and the SAIC mercenary force.

MP3 here. (32:12)

Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele are one of the most widely acclaimed investigative reporting teams in American journalism. They have worked together for more than three decades, first at The Philadelphia Inquirer, (1971-1997) where they won two Pulitzer Prizes and scores of other national journalism awards, then at Time magazine, (1997-2006) where they earned two National Magazine Awards, becoming the first journalists in history to win both the Pulitzer Prize for newspaper work and its magazine equivalent for magazine reporting, and now at Vanity Fair as contributing editors. They also have written seven books.

Matt Taibbi

McCain’s Last Stand


Rolling Stone‘s Matt Taibbi discusses the sad sight that is John McCain’s last campaign to be President, his failed PR stunt in the Baghdad market, his pandering to John Hagee and the Christianists, his waffling, flip-flopping, lying and scaremongering.

MP3 here. (16:28)

Matt Taibbi is a roving national reporter and columnist for Rolling Stone. He’s the author of Smells Like Dead Elephants: Dispatches from a Rotting Empire, a collection of his writings about the 2004 election. He lives in New York City.

Bill Astore

Saving the Military from Itself


Ret. Lt. Col. Bill Astore, author of the recent article, “Saving the Military from Itself,” discusses the strain on the U.S. military, the Petraeus Report fraud, the necessity of withdrawal from Iraq, “troop support” and the difference between the war against al Qaeda and the occupation of Iraq.

MP3 here. (16:35)

William J. Astore, a retired lieutenant colonel (USAF), earned a doctorate in modern history from the University of Oxford in 1996. He has taught military cadets at the Air Force Academy, officers at the Naval Postgraduate School, and now teaches at the Pennsylvania College of Technology. His books and articles, focusing primarily on military history, include Hindenburg: Icon of German Militarism (Potomac Press, 2005).

Monica Benderman

A Matter of Conscience


Monica Benderman, wife of conscientious objector Sgt. Kevin Benderman, author of Letters from Fort Lewis Brig: A Matter of Conscience, explains the story of her husband’s persecution at the hands of the government for objecting to the war in Iraq.

MP3 here. (16:46)

Monica Benderman is the wife of conscientious objector, Sgt. Kevin Benderman.

Scott Ritter

Stop the War With Iran!


Author, former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins Charles in the studio to discuss some of the repercussions of being right, the rewards for those who lie us into war, the high probability of a war with Iran, the complicity of the Democrats in Congress, the military’s readiness for a fight, the extent of the Iranian nuclear program, the history of the weapons inspections in Iraq, how the Clinton government prevented him and his colleagues from finishing their work in the 1990’s, the fight between the vice president’s office and the professional military over the next war and why relying on them to stand up to Bush/Cheney is a bad idea.

MP3 here. (42:09)

As a chief weapons inspector for the United Nations Special Commission in Iraq, Scott Ritter was labeled a hero by some, a maverick by others, and a spy by the Iraqi government. In charge of searching out weapons of mass destruction within Iraq, Ritter was on the front lines of the ongoing battle against arms proliferation. His experience in Iraq served as the basis for his book Endgame, which explored the shortcomings of American foreign policy in the Persian Gulf region and alternative approaches to handling the Iraqi crisis, and for Iraq Confidential, which detailed his seven year experience as a weapons inspector.

Scott Ritter has had an extensive and distinguished career in government service. He is an intelligence specialist with a 12-year career in the U.S. Marine Corps including assignments in the former Soviet Union and the Middle East. Rising to the rank of Major, Ritter spent several months of the Gulf War serving under General Norman Schwarzkopf with US Central Command headquarters in Saudi Arabia, where he played an instrumental role in formulating and implementing combat operations targeting Iraqi mobile missile launchers which threatened Israel.

In 1991, Ritter joined the United Nations weapons inspections team, or UNSCOM. He participated in 34 inspection missions, 14 of them as chief inspector. Ritter resigned from UNSCOM in August 1998, citing US interference in the work of the inspections.

He is the author of many books, including “Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence Conspiracy to Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Hussein” and most recently “Target Iran: The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change.” He lives in New York State. Ritter was born in Florida, and raised all over the world in a career military family. He is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, with a B.A. in Soviet History.

Clive Stafford Smith

Guantanamo, Torture, Secrecy


Clive Stafford Smith, legal director of Reprieve, lawyer for more than 50 of the men at Guantanamo, author of The Eight O’clock Ferry to the Windward Side: Seeking Justice in Guantanamo Bay, discusses the “enemy combatants” held at “Gitmo,” why he’s doing what he’s doing, how the men ended up there, torture, the secrecy surrounding the situation, examples of innocent men being held there and the remaining ghost prisoners around the world.

MP3 here. (17:57)

Clive Stafford Smith is the founder of Reprieve and has spent 25 years working on behalf of defendants facing the death penalty in the USA.