Lisa Graves

The End of the 4th Amendment


Lisa Graves, deputy director of the Center for National Security Studies, discusses the new House bill tweaking the power of the president to tap phones without warrants that they just gave him with the “Protect America Act,” the reduction of the rights of Americans to those of people on enemy battlefields and retroactive immunity provided to American corporations for conspiring with the government to tap without warrants.

MP3 here. (16:29)

Lisa Graves is the deputy director of the Center for National Security Studies.

Philip Giraldi

Deep Background: Israel’s Attack on Syria


Philip Giraldi, former DIA and CIA officer, partner at Cannistraro Associates, Francis Walsingham Fellow for the American Conservative Defense Alliance and columnist, discusses his August, 2005 report about Cheney’s order to SAC to draw up plans for nuking Iran, his recent report in the American Conservative about the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Israel agreeing on war with Iran to the complete surprise of Secretaries Gates and Rice, the recent Israeli attack on Syria and his information that the target was an air defense system, the disinformation campaign in the media that the target was some kind of make-believe nuclear weapons program between North Korea and Iran, the Israeli/neocon agenda for regime change in the Middle East, and the story behind the “accidental” transfer of nuclear weapons to Barksdale.

MP3 here. (16:48)

Philip Giraldi is a former DIA and CIA officer, partner at Cannistraro Associates, Francis Walsingham Fellow for the American Conservative Defense Alliance, contributing editor at the American Conservative magazine and columnist at

Barrett Tillman

US Military: Expensive Planes, Cheap Rifles


Barrett Tillman, author of What We Need: Extravagances and Shortages in America’s Military, discusses the lack of preparedness before invading Iraq, problems with M-16 rifles, the billions wasted on unwarranted equipment while troops in the field go without the very basics, the corruption of the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex, the unnecessary F-22 and F-35 fighters and the threat of IEDs to our soldiers in Iraq.

MP3 here. (19:17)

Barrett Tillman is the world’s most prolific U.S. naval aviation author, having published over two-dozen titles on the World War 2 period alone. He has written numerous books for Osprey in recent years including the much acclaimed Hellcat Aces of World War 2 from the Aircraft of the Aces series.

John Hagee

The End of the World!


John Hagee, President and CEO of John Hagee Ministries, pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and author of In Defense of Israel and Jerusalem Countdown, discusses the End of the World, fig trees, Noah’s Ark, the treachery of Senator Reid, the ambition of Gen. Petraeus, his program to encourage divestment from Iran, his belief that the President has the authority to start wars without the consent of Congress, the battle of Armageddon, and the return of Jesus Christ.

MP3 here. (18:51)

John Hagee is the founder and pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, is the President and C.E.O. of John Hagee Ministries which telecasts his national radio and television ministry carried in America on 160 T.V. stations, 50 radio stations, eight networks and can be seen weekly in 99 million homes and is the founder of Christians United for Israel.

William Hartung

Merchants of Death


William Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New America Foundation, discusses the American arms trade, the U.S. government’s scolding of Russia for the same behavior on a smaller scale, the companies that make up the American Military-Industrial-Complex, China’s arms sales and the UN small arms treaty.

MP3 here. (13:02)

William D. Hartung, the director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New America Foundation, is the author of How Much Are You Making on the War Daddy?: A Quick and Dirty Guide to War Profiteering in the Bush Administration and a contributor to Sean Costigan and David Gold, editors, Terrornomics.

Chalmers Johnson

Empire and Blowback


Chalmers Johnson, author of the indispensable Blowback trilogy, discusses the economic costs of empire, his belief that Bush has decided against war with Iran, the failure of the American people and the structure of the Republic to prevent executive branch tyranny, Admiral Fallon’s dangerous insubordination for a good cause and the future of blowback against the United States, the secrecy of the national security state and Israel’s recent bombing of Syria.

MP3 here. (33:10)

Chalmers Johnson is president of the Japan Policy Research Institute, a non-profit research and public affairs organization devoted to public education concerning Japan and international relations in the Pacific. He taught for thirty years, 1962-1992, at the Berkeley and San Diego campuses of the University of California and held endowed chairs in Asian politics at both of them. At Berkeley he served as chairman of the Center for Chinese Studies and as chairman of the Department of Political Science. His B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in economics and political science are all from the University of California, Berkeley. He first visited Japan in 1953 as a U.S. Navy officer and has lived and worked there with his wife, the anthropologist Sheila K. Johnson, every year between 1961 and 1998.

Johnson has been honored with fellowships from the Ford Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, and the Guggenheim Foundation; and in 1976 he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has written numerous articles and reviews and some sixteen books, including Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power on the Chinese revolution, An Instance of Treason on Japan’s most famous spy, Revolutionary Change on the theory of violent protest movements, and MITI and the Japanese Miracle on Japanese economic development. This last-named book laid the foundation for the “revisionist” school of writers on Japan, and because of it the Japanese press dubbed him the “Godfather of revisionism.”

He was chairman of the academic advisory committee for the PBS television series “The Pacific Century,” and he played a prominent role in the PBS “Frontline” documentary “Losing the War with Japan.” Both won Emmy awards. His most recent books are Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2000) and The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic, which was published by Metropolitan in January 2004. Blowback won the 2001 American Book Award of the Before Columbus Foundation.