Conflicts of Interest: Biden Feeds the War Machine with guest Dave DeCamp

From Conflicts of Interest with Kyle Anzalone:

Dave DeCamp, News Editor at, returns to Conflicts of Interest to discuss Biden’s foreign policy through his first 100 days in office. As a candidate, Biden pledged to end the forever wars and scale back tensions with Iran. While he has reduced some US support for the Saudi-US war in Yemen, Biden has continued to provide Riyadh with the support needed to wage its lethal bombing campaign. In Afghanistan, Biden announced the withdrawal of US forces, though statements from administration officials reveal plans to continue the war through less transparent methods.

On the campaign trail, Biden pledged to save his former boss’s agreement with Iran. As president, he has dragged his feet and refused to undo Trump’s disastrous policies. Biden has kept his pledge for an aggressive China policy, however, increasing hostile US war games in the South China Sea and American support for Taiwan. Dave warns this path could lead to war.

Conflicts of Interest: An Overextended Empire

On COI #103, Kyle Anzalone discusses America’s overextended empire. The Coast Guard just deployed the USCGS Hamilton to the Black Sea. A US Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian ships in the Persian Gulf. China reports US operations in its territorial waters have increased since Biden took office. The US has a warship trailing a Chinese aircraft carrier group that is doing military drills.

On YouTube (below) or audio only.

Scott Horton Dismantles the War Party Narrative

For the 100th episode of Conflicts of Interest, Scott Horton of joined Kyle and Will to discuss Joe Biden’s declared plan for a full withdrawal from Afghanistan by September 11. Scott also gives his read on mounting tensions in Ukraine, where the government has threatened a new offensive on separatist elements in the eastern Donbas region, risking a wider conflict that pulls in Moscow and Washington.

Audio only here, or YouTube below.