NSA Spying On Americans ‘Widespread’ – Let Sec. 702 Expire!

In October, 2016, the NSA was forced to admit that it had misused Sec. 702 of the FISA Amendments to spy on far more Americans than it should have. Even the normally very compliant FISA Court condemned the ramped up spying on Americans as raising serious Fourth Amendment issues. The NSA last month told us it would cease using Sec. 702 – which is supposed to be for foreigners – to spy in Americans. Should we trust the NSA to police itself? Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report urges that Section 702 of the FISA Act be allowed to sunset at the end of the year. If the government wants to spy on us, let them get a warrant!

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul asks: Was Manchester Blowback?

Western intervention in Libya opened the country up to radical Islamist gangs which had been suppressed under Gaddafi. Just as Gaddafi warned. Same in Syria, where western destabilization efforts have led to an al-Qaeda and ISIS presence that was not there before the west had decided on “regime change” for the secular Assad. Who benefitted from the rise of these radical groups? People like the Manchester suicide bomber, who travelled to both countries for training and radicalization. Western interventionist foreign policy has contributed to the Manchester bombing, a classic “blowback” action. The bomber is guilty, but so are those who endorsed the policies creating conditions for people like him to flourish. Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul on the Manchester Tragedy: Understanding The Big Picture

Yesterday’s tragedy at a Manchester, UK music concert reminds us that the threat of terrorism remains with us. ISIS claimed responsibility and governments will no doubt respond. But will their response make future attacks more or less likely? Also, we must look at the attack in the context of the emerging larger US/UK/allied war on Iran, Syria, and ultimately Russia. That is precisely what we do…in today’s Liberty Report.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Trump In Saudi Arabia – ‘Peace In Our Time?’

President Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia was perhaps one of the most bizarre spectacles of our time. Just months ago he accused the Saudi government of being behind the 9/11 attack on the US, yet over the weekend he stood on Saudi soil and discussed the virtues of religious diversity (something illegal in Saudi Arabia). Was it all about ” the art of the deal” — inking a hugely lucrative (for some) mega weapons deal? Or was it about calling for war on Iran and Syria (and maybe Russia)? We pick apart the trip and the speech in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Mueller Appointed ‘Chief Prosecutor’ – ‘Russiagate’ Crisis Over… Or Just Beginning?

In a surprise move, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to look into whether the Russian government interfered in the 2016 US presidential election and whether the Trump election team colluded with the Russians. Mueller is also granted sweeping and unspecified power to look into many related issues around the general topic. Many questions have arisen over the move. How will this affect President Trump’s foreign policy, particularly as the timing is suspiciously close to the recent successful meeting between Trump and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov. What does it mean for the rest of Trump’s agenda? Have the chances risen for his removal from office? If so, how and by whom? We take a look at all the disparate threads on the issue in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.