Ron Paul: After Nice Attack – Round Up the Usual Suspects?

Who benefits from attacks like we saw in Nice, France yesterday? The authoritarians never waste a minute exploiting these events to call for more restrictions on our liberties. Take away guns, monitor our phone calls, restrict our movement, censor the Internet. But the one thing they will never do is look at our foreign policy, to look at our unfair central banking system, to consider the damage of the drug war. Whether on the Right or the Left, authoritarians are hammers and all they see are nails. We are the nails. More on Nice attack and its aftermath in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

How Disinformation Feeds The War Machine

According to recent polls by both Pew and Gallup, when Americans understand the actual level of US military spending they by a large margin back a decrease. That is why we hear the constant refrain of politicians screeching about the need to “rebuild” the military and to spend a trillion dollars updating our nuclear weapons program. The media plays its part as well, broadcasting endless segments meant to ratchet up the fear factor. The “think tanks” funded by the military-industrial complex come out with papers laying out the case for US global domination. The US national security state is maintained through fear and propaganda, just like in the Soviet Union. Are we headed for a similar collapse? More today in the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul: State Department Stonewalls On Syria Weapons

Why can’t the State Department spokespersons give a straight answer when asked a clear and direct question by the media? And when they do give an answer why is it often such a bold-faced lie? Either it’s “I cannot comment on that because there is an ongoing investigation” or “‘no boots on the ground’ in syria has never been our policy.” When it comes to US transfers of weapons in Syria that are ending up in the hands of ISIS – particularly when some have possibly been used recently to shoot down a Russian helicopter – the US government needs to do more than cover up. We must demand the truth! That is what we are doing in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul and Jacob Hornberger on NATO’s Warsaw War Plans

The big NATO 2016 Summit begins in Warsaw today. On the agenda is approving a NATO force of up to 4,000 troops to be stationed on Russia’s borders in the Baltic. It will be the first regular troop deployment aimed at Moscow since the fall of the Berlin Wall more than a quarter-century ago. How would the US feel if a reconstituted Warsaw Pact expanded to include Cuba and Mexico decided to station thousands of troops on the US border with Mexico? Threatened? Yet Russia is not supposed to feel threatened? Also on NATO’s agenda will be prodding European governments to begin spending more money on defense. Though Russia has been declared an “existential threat” by NATO, those countries directly in the line of Russia’s fire do not spend money on defense. Is that odd? Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report is joined by Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger. NATO is on the menu. Watch below:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul on NATO’s Russia War Push

Recently hacked emails show that NATO’s then-Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, Gen. Philip Breedlove (USAF) was actively seeking to promote a conflict with Russia over Ukraine. He was also actively seeking to undermine President Obama’s position opposing actions that could lead to war with Russia. Breedlove declared his own war on multiple fronts, secretly manipulating US public opinion using false stories of Russian tanks in Ukraine. He conspired with NATO-funded think tanks to propagandize the public through the use of military “information war” techniques. A glimpse into the deep state’s conspiracy fact in today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul Says A New European Superstate Is Hardly The Answer

If the UK actually succeeds in exiting the EU, what will be the fate of the remaining members? According to a report yesterday, the French and Germans are looking to create what would essentially be a single European “superstate” that would put an end to national sovereignty. Will this idea fly with the 27 remaining members? We take a look at the post-Brexit landscape in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.