Ron Paul on How Muhammad Ali Won His Greatest Fight

At the height of his popularity, in a move that destroyed his fame and fortune, Muhammad Ali refused to step up to the white line when his name was called. In so doing he was making it clear that he would not go to Vietnam to fight Washington’s war. He refused to be drafted. What have the Viet Cong ever done to me, he asked. It was one of the greatest acts of defiance to Washington’s war machine — and ever since then the war-promoters have made sure it could not be repeated. Media coverage of war has been sanitized, billions are spent by the Pentagon to propagandize the American people, the “enemy” is relentlessly demonized. History has already shown that Ali’s battle against this unholy murder machine is the most important fight of his life. More today on his legacy in today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Obama Hands Corrupt Ukraine Another Billion US Dollars

One of the downsides of the US “regime change” business is that when you break it, you often have to buy it. It’s all fun and games when you wander through the streets of Kiev with a bag of cookies encouraging the people to overthrow their government, or when you appear on stage before a riotous mob and alongside avowed national-socialists violently overthrowing a democratically-elected government.

What gets messy is when you get your way, the old government is overthrown, your “guys” seize power, and it turns out corruption and economic mismanagement are worse than before the US-backed “liberation.”

So what do you do when interventions go badly? If you are the US government spending other people’s money, you simply escalate. In Libya and Iraq, that means going back in with US boots on the ground.

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Hawks Hand Hillary A Foreign Policy Blueprint: Will She Bite?

The neoconservative, Democrat-heavy Center for a New American Security (CNAS) has created a foreign policy blueprint for what they hope is a future Hillary Clinton presidency. Unsurprisingly, it is heavy on the “need” for the US military to much more aggressively dominate the globe. The Obama Administration was far too dovish, according to CNAS “experts.” No one should be shocked that yet another militaristic Beltway “think tank” is funded predominantly by the military-industrial complex. Will Americans continue to be fooled by those who line their pockets with cash while making the rest of less safe and more poor? We give it our two cents in today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul on the Third Battle For Fallujah – Time To Finally Come Home?

Iraqi military troops along with Iran-backed Shia militias are fighting to expel ISIS from its two year control of Fallujah. That unfortunate city is also the location of two US battles to “liberate” the city and both times the place was flattened. The US says it is fighting in Iraq to rid the country of ISIS, but is very conflicted over the Iranian role in expelling ISIS. The US government has no strategy to “fix” Iraq, and in fact what it is trying to achieve – a non-sectarian, unified country not aligned with Iran – was already achieved by Saddam Hussein before the US “liberation.” The only sensible place for the US military to go is home.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Al-Qaeda Linked Leader Visits US – To Lobby US Government!

Most Americans would think that after 9/11 and the four trillion dollar, 15 year “war on terror” that followed, the US government might actually wish to prevent individuals from visiting the country who are affiliated with al-Qaeda. Sadly, they would be wrong.

The McClatchy News Service reports that Labib al Nahhas, an official in the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamist fighting group Ahrar al Sham, was granted a visa to enter the US for a brief visit.

In a recent State Department press briefing, one journalist questioned Department Spokesman Mark Toner about the purported visit. “Were US officials aware of this visit?” asked the journalist.

Continue reading “Al-Qaeda Linked Leader Visits US – To Lobby US Government!”

Court Decision Grants Shocking New Government Powers

Harvard law professor and former Obama Administration official Cass Sunstein has written approvingly recently about a recent Supreme Court decision which affirms a 1997 case that determined that Executive Branch agencies have the authority to interpret the meaning of the regulations they write. What this means is that the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch of government will have no role in either writing or interpreting what are de facto laws (anyone who does not believe that should try breaking an IRS regulation and see what happens) written by the Executive Branch. It represents a huge agglomeration of power in the hands of the bureaucrats who in most cases answer to no elected authority. This is the real “deep state,” where the elites rule over us under the approving gazes of ideologues like Sunstein. What does this mean for liberty? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.