Ron Paul on Saudi Arabia: Friend Or Foe?

Saudi Arabia’s desire to be a regional leader in the Middle East has led it to act as a primary conveyor belt of jihadists into Syria, where the Saudis seek the overthrow of the secular Assad government. When Saudi-backed al-Qaeda rebels get hurt in southern Syria, they are patched up in Israeli hospitals. But the head-chopping Saudis are facing slow-motion suicide. Assad did not melt away, and the Saudis’ brutal war on Yemen continues to empty the Saudi coffers. The oil glut has shut off the welfare tap to keep its citizens at bay. Still the US continues to coddle the Saudi tyrants, this week announcing that it would sell them $1.3 billion worth of bombs to drop on the suffering Yemenis. More on the US/Saudi dysfunctional relationship on the Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul: US Isolationists Still Block Iran Trade

While France and the rest of Europe — not to mention Asia — are busy signing trade deals with Iran for when UN sanctions are lifted early next year, US companies are hampered by myriad legal restrictions on doing business with Iran. Will these restrictions continue even after UN sanctions are lifted, keeping US companies out in the cold? That is what the real isolationists hope for. Who are they? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul: NATO Admits Afghan Mission Failure

After 14 years, more than a trillion dollars, tens of thousands of lives lost on all sides, the US/NATO mission in Afghanistan is more adrift than ever. Next month NATO member state ministers will meet to determine the next steps in Afghanistan. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg claims there will be no future combat mission for NATO, but NATO generals admit that if NATO leaves there will be an even swifter collapse. In today’s Liberty Report, Ron Paul offers some advice to NATO leaders:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul: Without Authority, Obama’s Syria War Illegal

As the US State Department goes around the world lecturing other countries about how they must adhere to the rule of law, the White House again proves it is one of the most lawless entities on earth. The Constitution is clear; the War Powers Resolution is clear: the president is not allowed to commit the US military to combat without a Congressional declaration or at least authorization. Yet the president has been bombing Syria for a year and now is sending in US ground troops with no legal authority to do so. Congress is the president’s partner in crime and we are the victims – today on the Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul Asks: Is Germany’s Migrant Crisis Leading To War?

Hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East, Africa, even western Asia are pouring into western Europe through central Europe as Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has laid down a welcome mat. Meanwhile political pressure within Germany builds, as villages of just 100 or more residents are told they must house thousands of refugees who know neither the language nor the customs of the area. Parties like the Alternative for Germany are enjoying increased popularity and electoral success. Is Germany – and the EU – headed for a crack-up? More today in the Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul: Russian Plane Down Over Egyptian Blowback?

The apparent downing of a Russian passenger plane over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula over the weekend has, as could be predicted, produced no shortage of theories as to who or what is behind it. Was it ISIS-affiliated Islamist terrorists who control much of the area? They took “credit” for the attack but do not seem to have the technical means to carry it out. A bomb on board? Blowback for Russian bombs on Syria? Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the various theories and at the bigger picture:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.