Good people in California protested on election night — not the election but the practicing of nuclear war in the form of launching a missile loaded with dud nukes from the California coast. The few people who even knew such madness was happening were likely to have...
Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Qualified Recipient for First Time in at Least Six Years
From World Beyond War: Congratulations are in order for Nihon Hidankyo, the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations. The Nobel Peace Prize has for the first time in at least six years gone to a group of people who work to reduce warmaking, people...
The Israeli Government Must Be Stopped
The Israeli government has been dragging Western weapons and militaries into wars for far too long, putting all of the world — and its global institutions — at risk. The move into Lebanon, creating more dead, injured, traumatized, and homeless already in huge numbers...
Believing in Nuclear Deterrence and Angels
“Despite the fact that deterrence remains an article of faith among the ‘realists’ who have orchestrated U.S. strategic policy and who continue to do so, despite its incoherence and instability, much of this faith is lip service only, analogous to deeply religious...
Nancy Pelosi Is Pressing Charges Against Peace Activists
Reprinted from WorldBeyondWar with permission. Nancy Pelosi is having peace activists charged with felonies for nonviolent activities in front of her San Francisco home, and yet not having them investigated for, much less charged with what she has publicly accused...
Act Now To Save Ukrainian Peace Activist From Prosecution
We’ve just learned that the office of the prosecutor and the “security service” of Ukraine have published press releases claiming to have put a stop to the activities of the “vicious Russian propagandist Yurii Sheliazhenko.” This is, of course, very strange because...
Can You See War?
The buzzing noise of a drone never ceases. A missile screaming into your house is hard to miss. Gun fire. The door kicked in. These are not subtle gestures. Yet Norman Solomon’s new book is called War Made Invisible. What?Of course, the people whose government...
Leading US War Propagandist John Kirby Thinks Depleted Uranium Is Just Fine
National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said this week, when asked about UK shipments of Depleted Uranium weapons to Ukraine: “If Russia is deeply concerned about the welfare of their tanks and tank soldiers, the safest thing for them to do is move...
How US Military Spending Works
Here’s how this works each year.1) Biden proposes a massive increase in military spending – above and beyond both what he proposed the year before and what the Congress increased that to. If you look at U.S. military spending according to SIPRI in constant 2021...
See 867 Military Bases on New Online Tool
World BEYOND War has launched a new online tool that allows the user to view a globe pock-marked with 867 U.S. military bases in countries other than the United States, and to zoom in for a satellite view of and detailed information on each base. The tool also allows...