William Bennett says Pence Was in Danger From Kim’s Sister at Olympic Reception

Former Secretary of Education and current neocon shill William Bennett was bloviating on Fox News Monday about the media "fawning" over the North Koreans at the Olympics. He was upset that Americans were not hating the North Korean attendees.

He appeared on "The Story With Martha MacCallum" on Monday, February 12, 2018. Under their faces appeared the headline: News Outlets Call Kim Jong Un’s Sister "Captivating" While Slamming VP Pence as "Embarrassing". Bennett expressed concern that the Vice President’s life was in danger, while MacCallum channeled the Secret Service’s concern about the VP being out of town.

Bennett’s appearance begins at 20:10, his fantasy about Pence being stuck with a poison needle starts at 20:40.

Bennett: I don’t know if anyone else had this thought, did you Martha? When you saw that photo of her (Kim Yo Jong) sitting right behind Mrs. Pence, didn’t you get nervous? I mean, I got worried, that she or one of her handlers might lean over and do something to the Vice President or Mrs. Pence. Remember, this is the crowd that killed Kim Jong Un’s half-brother in an airport. I wouldn’t put anything past them. I’m sure the Secret Service had things totally under control.

MacCallum: You’ve got to imagine that for the Secret Service it was not an optimum situation, and something that, no doubt, they were not comfortable with.

Best Wishes to Robert Parry for a Speedy Recovery

I was shocked to hear that the Robert Parry, the editor/publisher of Consortium News, suffered a stroke on Christmas Eve. His stroke affected his eyesight (especially his reading and thus his writing) although apparently not much else.

Consortium News has been an almost daily addition to Antiwar.com’s front page for a long time and Robert Parry’s excellent analysis is on our site several times a week. Unlike many on the left since the election of Trump, Parry has kept a strong and well-reasoned analysis of “Russia-gate” and the DC hawks.

We hope for Bob’s quick recovery. He is a good friend, and an important part of the antiwar movement.

Read Bob’s lengthy announcement about his condition.

Statement on Setback for HCR 81 To Stop US Support of Saudi War on Yemen

“We are deeply disappointed that House leadership has again prevented a debate and vote on ending U.S. participation in the famine-inducing Saudi-led war in Yemen. We remind the House leadership that under the War Powers Resolution of 1973, “‘introduction of United States Armed Forces’ includes the assignment of member of such armed forces to command, coordinate, participate in the movement of, or accompany the regular or irregular military forces of any foreign country or government when such military forces are engaged…” U.S. refueling of Saudi-UAE planes bombing Houthi targets in Yemen meets that definition.

We thank Reps. Ro Khanna, Thomas Massie, Mark Pocan, Walter Jones, and the other co-sponsors for their leadership in diligently seeking a debate and vote on the U.S. role in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. We applaud their effort for bringing unprecedented and long-overdue discussion and attention to this matter and we continue to urge Democratic and Republican Representatives to co-sponsor H.Con.Res.81.

We call for the introduction of companion legislation to H.Con.Res.81 in the Senate. We will not rest until unauthorized U.S. participation in the famine-inducing Saudi war in Yemen has ended.”

Yemen Peace Project
Win Without War
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Peace Action
Just Foreign Policy

Scott Horton in Los Angeles, Thursday, Sept. 28: US Out of Afghanistan!

This Thursday evening, September 28, join KPFK Radio’s Alan Minsky, and Scott Horton, managing director of the Libertarian Institute and opinion editor of Antiwar.com, for a discussion about the deadly and disastrous war in Afghanistan you won’t hear anywhere else!

Approaching sixteen years of continuous war, Horton’s new book: Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan is the single best source in your arsenal of reasons to advocate an end to America’s longest conflict.

Whether left, right, center, or wherever you fall on the political spectrum, the choice is clear: it’s time to end the war in Afghanistan.

This event is free and open to the public!

7:30 pm Thursday Sept 28
The Peace Center
3916 Sepulveda Blvd
Culver City, CA 90230

For more information, press inquiries, or other questions, please contact Jared Labell, executive director of the Libertarian Institute at 773-766-4947 or jared@libertarianinstitute.org

A limited number of autographed copies of Fool’s Errand will be available at the event, but you can purchase your own digital or physical copy by visiting https://foolserrand.us.