Congressional News Conference on Ending Funds for Afghan War: Wednesday 5/24

Update: Here is the video of the news conference.

Wednesday, May 24: Congressmen Walter B. Jones (R-NC) and John Garamendi (D-CA), along with House cosponsors of H.R. 1666, will host a press conference regarding their bill to prohibit funds for activities in Afghanistan, and the importance of debating the 16 year war in Afghanistan, the longest war in America’s history.

Wednesday, May 24 – 1:30pm
House Triangle

Representative Walter B. Jones (R-NC)
Representative John Garamendi (D-CA)
Representative John Duncan (R-TN)
Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY)
Representative Don Young (R-AK)
Will Fischer, VoteVets
House cosponsors of H.R. 1666

For additional information, please contact Allison Tucker in Congressman Walter Jones’ office at (202) 225-3415 or Dante Atkins in Congressman John Garamendi’s office at (202) 225-1880.

Matching Funds Are Here: Let’s Do It!

Dear Friends of,

A group of our generous friends have gotten together and raised $30,000 in matching funds to support’s Spring fundraising drive – but there’s a catch.

We have to match that amount in individual donations, or else – no dice.

It’s time to put an end to this fundraiser: we have better things to do. The sheer amount of news is, frankly, overwhelming – and can barely deal with it and simultaneously do the hard work of raising money. We need to get on with our real job – which is giving you the best coverage of international affairs available online.

We aren’t in with the big foundations, or the whims of eccentric billionaires: we depend you, our readers, for the funding we need to continue. At a time when war clouds are darkening every horizon, from Korea’s demilitarized zone to the eastern frontiers of the NATO alliance, is needed now more than ever. But we can’t do our job – preventing the next war – without your financial help.

Your tax-deductible donation today has double the impact, thanks to the contributions of our matching funds donors. So seize this moment before it passes, and make your donation today.

FBI Agrees to Give Records to

After a four-year court battle, the FBI has agreed to turn over records it created when it spied on and pay $299,000 to settle our attorneys’ fees.

The action only settles a portion of the lawsuit. ACLU attorney Julia Mass said “We will continue to challenge the FBI’s collection and maintenance of descriptions of our clients’ First Amendment activities in violation of the federal Privacy Act.”

Courthouse News has the details.