Israel Lobby and American Policy Conference: Post-Event Video

Conference early feed, highlights below. The expanded feed will be posted soon.

Speakers include:

Grant Smith, Hanan Ashrawi, John Mearsheimer, Ilan Pappé, Wajahat Ali, Tom Hayes, Khalil Jahshan, Maria LaHood, Jim Moran, Nick Rahall, Jack Shaheen, Clayton Swisher.

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Congresswoman Barbara Lee: We Must Stop Endless War

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Lee led a bipartisan coalition of House members in demanding the Trump Administration halt escalating military engagement in Syria. The coalition included: Congressman Walter Jones, Congressman Peter DeFazio, Congressman Keith Ellison, Congressman Ted Lieu, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Peter Welch, Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman and Congressman Rick Nolan. The Members were also joined by Afghanistan War Veteran Richard Allen Smith.

“For over a decade, the executive branch has waged endless war in the Middle East with no meaningful oversight from Congress. President Trump’s decision to drag us deeper into this quagmire, without any debate or vote in Congress, endangers our troops and our long-term national security,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “If Congress truly believes that our service members should be fighting in the Syrian Civil War, then our elected officials need to make that case to the American people. Absent of that debate and vote, Congress should not be funding U.S. boots on the ground in Syria.

“H.R. 1473 would prohibit the expansion of U.S. ground troops in Syria. This bipartisan legislation prevents President Trump from unilaterally intensifying this war without Congressional input and engagement. Going forward, we must repeal the 2001 AUMF that has served as a blank check for any president to wage war anywhere in the world and at any time. I urge Congress to wake up, learn from our mistakes, and hold an honest debate and vote on these ongoing wars and our strategy against ISIL.”