Key Promoter of Iraq War Now Embraces Nonintervention

From the Tom Woods Show:

Jim Hale served as media relations director for the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, a key pro-war organization that boasted such members as John McCain, George Shultz, and Bob Kerrey (senator from Nebraska). He is now a convert to noninterventionist foreign policy.

Download the audio file, or see below:

Andrew Bacevich Talk: ‘Has U.S. Foreign Policy Since the End of the Cold War Made America Safer?’

On May 18, 2016 the Charles Koch Institute hosted “Advancing American Security: The Future of U.S. Foreign Policy” to examine current U.S. foreign and defense policies. During his opening address, renowned military historian Andrew Bacevich surveyed the recent history of U.S. engagement in the world and assessed whether it has made America safer.

Daniel McAdams on How the War Party Works

At, Jeff Deist interviews Daniel McAdams, head of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Daniel is a foreign policy expert, having worked for many years on Capitol Hill and as an election monitor in eastern Europe. Daniel and Jeff discuss the role Dr. Paul played in creating the noninterventionist populism visible in both the Trump and Sanders campaigns, and how the public now sees the Iraq war as a mistake. Daniel also discusses the depth and reach of the "war party" lobby, marked by well-funded think tanks, a revolving door of hawkish congressional staffers, and brazen manipulation of the federal budget by defense contractors. How do neoconservative interests get their hooks into members of Congress? How do people like Bill Kristol (who never seems to be right about anything), maintain their grip on the US foreign policy establishment? And, how do ordinary people reclaim the narrative from those who would recklessly expand US intervention in Syria and Iran?

Reprinted from

Angela Keaton is New Executive Director

All of us at are pleased to announce the appointment of Angela Keaton as our new Executive Director. Keaton has been with since 2008 and is now expanding her portfolio from her previous positions of Development Director and Director of Operations to focus on our long term vision of ending militarism, war and torture. Keaton, who has collaborated with our opinions editor Scott Horton in news and public affairs broadcasting since 1999, was station manager of the controversial KOOP 91.7 FM in Austin Texas. She also served on the Libertarian National Committee where she spearheaded action to retain the traditional libertarian stance against war.

Keaton, a second generation libertarian, has an MA and JD from the University of Florida. In addition to her extensive duties at, she is a legal researcher at a West Hollywood based law firm, worked as a script doctor on audio books and ghost written materials on such eclectic areas from voting rights to celebrity gossip. She plans to use her diverse background to continue building non-partisan alliances against state sponsored mass murder. A summary of her world view on can be found at The Daily Bell.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank former executive director Alexia Gilmore who is our comptroller and overseer of the Randolph Bourne Institute, the parent organization of