Moving Toward a World Beyond War

On Friday, 12 February 2016, Peace Coalition of Monterey will present Moving Toward a World Beyond War. Professor Jan Knippers Black will moderate. The event will begin at 6pm PT at the Irvine Auditorium & Atrium at MIIS located at 499 Pierce Street, Monterey. It is free and open to the public.

The panel guests will be Jim Haber, Angela Keaton and Nancy Merritt.

The event is co-sponsored by PCMC and Amnesty International Club of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. For more information Karen Araujo, Tom Lee at (PCMC), Jan Black or Stephanie Nelson (MIIS)

Scott Horton Interviews Seymour Hersh on US Military’s Support for Assad

Seymour Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter and author, discusses the US military’s covert opposition to the Obama administration’s “Assad must go” policy in Syria, including intelligence-sharing with the Syrian army to prevent Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State from taking over.

Listen to the interview here or here. (Duration: 21:11 — 9.7MB)

Jim Rissman, RIP

I am very sorry to convey the sad news that long-time contributor Jim Rissman has died. He was 68.

Jim was an early booster and research assistant for, way back before 9/11/2001. Before we had a paid staff, Jim sent daily news research and links that helped me to update the site every day. Jim continued his daily news research for many years, with a few gaps to take care of his failing health. His work continued to assist us until just a few weeks ago. In addition, Jim wrote a number of articles for

Jim was one of the people who helped make the valuable tool that it is. I thanked him on many occasions, but not nearly enough. I wish I could thank him in person right now. I will miss him, and I am sure that many others will as well. He was a sweet and dedicated man.

Following is the Obituary written by Jim’s sister, Leah:

James Louis Rissman died sooner than we expected, peacefully in his sleep at his home in Verona, Wisconsin (near Madison), on Dec. 13, 2015. He was 68 years old.

Jim was born March 25, 1947, in Chicago to Jack and Bernice (Caplan) Rissman and emerged – bloodied but unbowed – from a childhood marked by baseball when it was warm and basketball when it was not. He was a Little League shortstop in the suburbs and spent many an afternoon at in the stands at Wrigley and/or listening to the Cubs on the radio. He announced his own APBA baseball games in his room at night, his dice and APBA baseball cards arranged in a diamond on his bed, to the delight of kid sister "Bug." And all the while the turmoil of his "real" home life raged outside the firmly shut door.

Continue reading “Jim Rissman, RIP”

Tom Woods and Laurie Calhoun on The Failure of Just War Theory

Awesome interview on the Tom Woods Show.

The just-war tradition is a much-heralded aspect of moral reflection in the Western world. But does this series of criteria for the acceptability of particular wars really serve the purpose of limiting war? It’s a question I’ve changed my mind on in recent years, and Laurie Calhoun helps me to work through the issue in today’s episode.

Listen to audio only here.