Call your Rep TODAY: Vote ‘NO’ on Military Aid to Syrian ‘Rebels’

From Just Foreign Policy:

Congress is expected to vote in the next few days on a controversial proposal to arm and train Syrian rebels. Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have expressed opposition. With recent reports that some so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels this proposal seeks to arm have signed non-aggression pacts with ISIS, as in the past, now is not the time to rush into a policy whose consequences remain so unknown.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Progressive Caucus has introduced H. Con. Res. 114, demanding a robust debate and an authorization vote on any use of force. Sponsors so far include Reps. Grijalva, Ellison, Lee, McGovern, Defazio, Grayson, and Welch., MoveOn, Win Without War, Peace Action, and many other groups have called for a National Day of Action TODAY to say: stop the rush to war in Iraq & Syria!

Call your Representative NOW at (202) 224-3121 . When you speak to a staffer (or leave a message), you can use the talking points below:

Hi, my name is ______, and I’m a constituent from _______.??

I urge you to vote “NO” on expanding military aid to rebel groups in Syria. More weapons to groups we don’t know, who may use them against us or our allies in the future, will only make the situation worse.

I also urge you to co-sponsor H. Con. Res. 114, demanding a debate and an authorization vote on any use of force and the prohibition of the use of ground troops.

When you’ve made your call, you can report it here.

Antiwar GOP Congressman Justin Amash Wins Primary Challenge

Antiwar Republican Congressman Justin Amash won a very contentious primary challenge from Brian Ellis, who was supported by the GOP establishment for Michigan’s 3rd district. Amash, who was significantly outspent, won with 57% of the vote.

Amash has been a leader of the libertarian caucus of the GOP House members. He has led the fight against NSA surveillance and for protection of privacy. He has fought against US intervention and military aid across the board.

This past Friday, Amash was one of only 8 House members to vote against additional funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.

Amash is the first Palestinian-American member of the US Congress.

UPDATE: The Washington Post has an article about Justin Amash’s victory speech: “Justin Amash’s absolutely amazing victory speech.”

Times of Israel Pulls Op-Ed: ‘When Genocide Is Permissible’

Updated Below:

The Times of Israel has deleted an article from their website titled “When Genocide is Permissible.”

The article contends that the nature of war has changed and that “nothing, then, can be considered disproportionate when we are fighting for our very right to live.” It continues with a variety of outrageous claims about “the enemy,” none of which are backed up with sources or links. The writer probably got his information from the highly-accurate social media.

The article concludes: “If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?”

A screenshot of the article is available here. The article is also still available online reposted by the Five Towns Jewish Times.

Update from The Times of Israel has released a formal statement about the article, calling it “damnable and ignorant” and stating that the newspaper has discontinued Gordon’s blog. “We will not countenance blog posts that incite to violence or criminal acts,” the statement reads.

Gordon, meanwhile, has issued an apology of his own, stating that “I never intended to call to harm any people although my words may have conveyed that message.”

“I pray and hope for a quick peaceful end to the hostilities and that all people learn to coexist with each other in creating a better world for us all,” the note ends.