Justin Raimondo Talks to Alan Colmes About Gaza and the Politics of Israel

Wednesday on “The Alan Colmes Show,” Alan spoke to Justin Raimondo, Editorial Director of Antiwar.com to get an alternate take of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Raimondo told Alan that he felt that the far right wing has taken over Israel and that American media has taken a major role in supporting Israel.

Raimondo also said that Israel has become so powerful that it feels it doesn’t even need the US anymore, and then debated a caller who claimed to be in Israel earlier this year and was a eyewitness the conflict there.

Watch the interview here:

CNN: US Never Apologized or Admitted Shooting Down Iranian Airliner in 1988

I was amazed to see this on CNN last night.

Erin Burnett reported on other passenger airliners that have been shot down, focusing on the 1988 shooting down of an Iranian passenger airliner by the US Navy, killing all 274 on board.

The US government worked hard to cover up the event and later to justify it. Vice President George H.W. Bush said before the UN:

“I will never apologize for the United States – I don’t care what the facts are.”

To this day, the US has still refused to apologize or to take responsibility for the deaths of 274 innocent people. Year later, the US agreed to pay $60 million to the families of the dead, without admitting responsibility.

Burnett compared the situation to the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17 over Ukraine last week. She then interviewed presidential worshipper and former advisor David Gergen who admitted that it was “strikingly similar” to the MH17 events, but then tried to explain it was different because we were in the region to do good, unlike Putin’s involvement with events on Russia’s border.

The segment was an unusual one for CNN and especially for Erin Burnett, who rarely questions official US policy.

Watch it here:

Ellsberg Billboards Urge Whistleblowing in DC: ‘Tell the Truth with Documents’

From the Institute for Public Accuracy:

In an unprecedented push for whistleblowing in the nation’s capital, the new organization ExposeFacts announced today that 13 billboards have gone up near Capitol Hill, the Justice Department, the White House, the Government Accountability Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the State Department, a popular bookstore at Dupont Circle and other prominent locations.

The six-foot billboards display a message from Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: “Don’t do what I did. Don’t wait until a new war has started, don’t wait until thousands more have died, before you tell the truth with documents that reveal lies or crimes or internal projections of costs and dangers. You might save a war’s worth of lives.”

Ellsberg is a member of the advisory board of ExposeFacts, which is encouraging whistleblowers to “disclose information that citizens need to make truly informed decisions in a democracy.” He joined with NSA, State Department, EPA and Justice Department whistleblowers to help launch the new organization, which is part of the nonprofit Institute for Public Accuracy.

ExposeFacts “aims to shed light on concealed activities that are relevant to human rights, corporate malfeasance, the environment, civil liberties and war,” the group says. The ExposeFacts.org site features the whistleblower submission system known as “SecureDrop,” provided by the Freedom of the Press Foundation.

To see the billboard, click here.
For details on locations of the billboard, click here.


GOP Congressmen Walter Jones and Thomas Massie on Opposing Warrantless NSA Spying

On this month’s Washington Watch, GOP Congressmen Walter Jones (R-NC) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) discuss the need to defend American constitutional rights against government overreach – particularly relating to the warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens’ communications.