Arizona Anti-NSA Legislative Panel Vote Monday – Arizonans Calls Needed

From NullifyNSA:

SB1156 NEEDS YOUR HELP – make calls Sunday night and Monday AM in support.

We just received notice that SB1156, the Arizona 4th Amendment Protection Act will have a rules committee hearing and vote on MONDAY at 1pm.

Your calls are needed now – overnight and into the morning – so committee members know to vote YES on SB1156 in committee on Monday.

1. Call all the committee members. Strongly, but respectfully, express your support for the bill and let them know you want them to vote YES on SB1156. Leave them a voice mail overnight and in the morning. They need to hear about your support when they get to work in committee on Monday at 1pm

Olivia Cajero Bedford 602-926-5835
Adam Driggs 602-926-3016
Gail Griffin 602-926-5895 (thank her for her YES vote on 02-03-14)
John McComish 602-926-5898
Lynne Pancrazi 602-926-3004
Anna Tovar 602-926-3392

2. Call the Committee Chair, Andy Biggs. Thank him for co-sponsoring SB1156! Let him know you support the bill and want to see it on the Senate floor.

Andy Biggs (R) Chairman – (602) 926-4371

3. Share this link and ask your friends to do the same:

Congressional Briefing on Drones: Watch the Video

Rafiq ur Rahman – a teacher at a primary school in North Waziristan, Pakistan – appeared at a briefing called by Representative Alan Grayson (FL-09), along with his children Nabila and Zubair, who were both injured in a drone attack in October 2012, Robert Greenwald, president of Brave New Foundation, and Jennifer Gibson, staff attorney with Reprieve. This event marked the first opportunity for Congress to hear from drone victim survivors.

Watch a video of the hearing here.

NSA Surveillance: What We Know; What to Do About It – Wednesday Cato Conference

The Cato Institute will hold a conference on NSA Surveillance tomorrow (Wednesday, 10/9). Registration is still available, send an email to The conference runs from 10am to 4:30pm (Eastern time). The schedule and other details are posted here.

The conference will be streamed live.

Keynote speakers: Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), member of the Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence; Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI); Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). Panelists include: Siobhan Gorman, Wall Street Journal; Spencer Ackerman, The Guardian; Barton Gellman, Washington Post; Charlie Savage, New York Times; Jameel Jaffer, ACLU; Laura Donohue, Georgetown University Law Center; David Lieber, Google; Jim Burrows, Silent Circle; Bruce Schneier, Security Expert; Jim Harper, Director of Information Policy Studies, Cato Institute; and Julian Sanchez, Research Fellow, Cato Institute.