Justin Raimondo on the Antiwar Movement (video)

On October 26, Antiwar.com editorial director Justin Raimondo spoke at the University of Michigan.

His talk, “Whatever Happened to the Antiwar Movement?,” is available below as a video and is also available in text format. Photos of the event are also available.

Justin Raimondo at the University of Michigan, 10/25/10 from MIC4L on Vimeo.

At Least the War Criminal Lost

Ilario Pantano, the Republican candidate for Congress in North Carolina’s 7th district, was defeated 54-46%.

Ilario Pantano shot and killed two unarmed prisoners in Iraq while serving in the Marines and survived charges of premeditated murder before returning to America to run for Congress in North Carolina this year.

According to Pantano’s version of events, the men moved toward him in a threatening way and he opened fire in self-defense, shooting up to 60 rounds and killing both of them. He then put a sign next to the bodies with a Marine slogan: “No better friend, no worse enemy.” Pantano told New York magazine: “I believed that by firing the number of rounds that I did, I was sending a message” to other potential insurgents.

Thankfully, the voters sent Pantano a message.

Tea Party Official Slams War Criminal Candidate

Deborah Johns, former vice chair of the Tea Party Express, has denounced North Carolina candidate for Congress Ilario Pantano and has endorsed his Democratic opponent. Johns is the mother of a Marine and once organized pro-Iraq War counterprotests against Cindy Sheehan.

Ilario Pantano shot and killed two unarmed prisoners in Iraq while serving in the Marines and survived charges of premeditated murder before returning to America to run for Congress in North Carolina this year.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Johns turned against Pantano after reading the transcript of the military hearing that eventually cleared Pantano of the charges. In April 2004, Pantano killed two unarmed Iraqi detainees, twice unloading his gun into their bodies and firing between 50 and 60 shots in total. Afterward, he placed a sign over the corpses featuring the Marines’ slogan “No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy” as a message to the local population.

“That is not a war hero,” Johns said. “It is people like that that give all our military a bad name.”

Read the complete story and updates on The Daily Beast.

Daniel Ellsberg, Angela Keaton, et al. on Afghanistan (video)

Last Wednesday, October 6, a panel of speakers from a variety of political positions met antiwar activists at the First Unitarian Universalist Church in San Francisco to discuss how to build a consensus to end the war in Afghanistan.

The speakers included Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, Antiwar.com’s Angela Keaton, Republican congressional candidate John Dennis, labor leader Michael Eisenscher, and radio talk show host Karel. The moderator was Jeff Johnson of PeacePundit.com, and included remarks by Unitarian Church leaders Dolores Perez Priem, Sandra Schwartz, Jeremiah Kalendae, and Louis Vitale, and Anthony Gregory of the Independent Institute.

Here is the video of the event, in several parts:

Angela Keaton:

Daniel Ellsberg (Part I):

Continue reading “Daniel Ellsberg, Angela Keaton, et al. on Afghanistan (video)”

Antiwar on the Left and Right – Wednesday in San Francisco

On Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 6 pm, a panel of speakers from a variety of political positions, all of whom oppose the war in Afghanistan, will meet at First Unitarian Universalist Church in San Francisco to discuss how to build a consensus to end the war in Afghanistan.

John Dennis, Republican Candidate, 8th Congressional District
Daniel Ellsberg, Author and Activist
Michael Eisenscher, US Labor Against the War Nat’l Coordinator
Karel, Green 960 AM Radio Talk Show Host
Angela Keaton, Antiwar.com Developmental Director
Moderator: Jeff Johnson, PeacePundit.com

Time and Place:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 6 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
1187 Franklin Street, at Geary Blvd
Admission: FREE

On October 7th 2001 US military aircraft began bombing Kabul. Nine years later, US military operations continue in Afghanistan with no end in sight. Within the next year, the US-led war on Afghanistan will exceed the length of the 1980s Soviet occupation of that unfortunate country.

The war has already claimed the lives of over 1100 American service men and women; while more than 7500 have been wounded. Much larger numbers of Afghan and Pakistani civilians have lost their lives due to US and NATO bombing, including by pilotless drones.

A recent opinion poll shows that 58% of Americans oppose the war in Afghanistan, yet both Democratic and Republican leaders still support it.