Learn the Law Against War and Win $1,000

I’m a slow learner. It took me 80 years to learn about the Kellogg-Briand Pact and another five to visit this wonderful Antiwar.com site. But here I am with an observation and an opportunity. Antiwar activists do not realize the potential of the Kellogg-Briand Pact to change the deep-seated war culture of America. It’s a simple fact that the law is on our side but (virtually) nobody knows it exists.

Ever since Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kathy Kelly handed me David Swanson’s book, When the World Outlawed War, I’ve been intrigued by the efforts of small groups of peace activists all over the world to demand that their leaders sign and ratify this treaty. Now 62 counties have outlawed war and the threat of war as an instrument of policy. But obviously it had little effect. Why?

Most people are totally unaware of the law against war. Who’s responsible for that? I’ll return to this question later.

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