Forgotten Atrocities, Vietnam Edition

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Some folks responded to my recent article on Sheridan’s 1864 atrocities in the Shenandoah Valley by denying that there was any systemic effort to downplay or bury U.S. military atrocities.  The New York Times reports today that the Pentagon’s effort to whitewash the Vietnam War’s 50th anniversary events are sparking controversy:

The website’s “interactive timeline” omits the Fulbright hearings in the Senate, where in 1971 a disaffected young Vietnam veteran named John Kerry — now President Obama’s secretary of state — asked, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” In one early iteration, the website referred to the 1968 My Lai massacre, in which American troops killed hundreds of Vietnamese civilians, as the My Lai Incident.

The glossy view of history has now prompted more than 500 scholars, veterans and activists — including the civil rights leader Julian Bond; Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the top-secret Pentagon Papers; Lawrence J. Korb, a former assistant secretary of defense under President Ronald Reagan; … in demanding the ability to correct the Pentagon’s version of history and a place for the old antiwar activists in the anniversary events.

This week, in a move that has drawn the battle lines all over again, the group sent a petition to Lt. Gen. Claude M. Kicklighter, the retired Vietnam veteran who is overseeing the commemoration, to ask that the effort not be a “one-sided” look at a war that tore a generation apart.

The Times noted that “the presidential historian Robert Dallek said he would like to see the anniversary effort include discussion of “what a torturous experience” Vietnam was for presidents.”  Ya – Lyndon Johnson claims he lost some sleep over sending tens of thousands of Americans to pointless deaths.   He might have even had a few moments where he thought about the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese killed  by the U.S. intervention.  And Nixon – who promised to end the war and then dragged it out until after his re-election….  Not exactly sympathetic figures.

David Hackworth, a retired colonel and the most decorated officer in the Army, commented in 2003: ”Vietnam was an atrocity from the get-go…. There were hundreds of My Lais. You got your card punched by the numbers of bodies you counted.” American soldiers faced more legal perils for reporting than for committing atrocities. Rank-and-file whistleblowers would be threatened with criminal charges if they tried to inform higher-ups about a massacre or other abuses.

Here’s a link to an article I wrote on the Daniel Ellsberg’s memoir Secrets, which discussed the deception that permeated U.S. policy on Vietnam from the beginning.

Afghan Election Thief Promises to be Accountable

The Washington Post has a positive-thinking headline today: “Afghanistan’s new president: ‘Hold me accountable.'”

A more honest headline would have been:  “Afghan Election Thief says ‘Hold Me Accountable’ – the latest Obama democracy sham success story”

Afghanistan's new President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai shake hands with Afghanistan's Chief Justice Abdul Salam Azimi as he takes the oath during his inauguration as president in KabulAshraf Ghani took the oath of office after the U.S. government helped finagle a power-sharing deal between Ghani and allegedly second place finish Abdullah Abdullah. Abdullah got far more votes than Ghani in the initial round of voting — but a miraculous surge of votes in the second round supposedly gave Ghani the lead. The U.S. government has not yet revealed how much in payoffs and promises it spent to get the two politicians to appear to cut a deal.

Ghani’s predecessor, Hamid Karzai, also perennially promised to be accountable.  For instance, in December 2004, Newsweek interviewed Karzai and headlined his promise to deliver an “honest, accountable, and austere government.”

Karzai’s promises did not deter him from massively looting U.S. aid and stealing the 2009 presidential election.

The Obama administration is pretending that the Afghans had an election that was clean enough to produce an untainted new regime. But TOLO News reported earlier this month that Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission (IEC) had invalidated all votes at  more than a thousand polling sites:

 “IEC acknowledged the fact that the June 14 run-off elections witnessed massive frauds.  “There was wide-scale fraud by security forces, governors and IEC employees,” a commissioner for the IEC, Azizullah Bakhtyari, admitted. “Clearly, most of the fraud happened in coordination with IEC employees.” Bakhtyari hopes that the audit process will re-establish people’s trust in the election process. “The audit helped us recognize the employees responsible for the fraud that took place at the 1,028 polling sites,” he said. “Clearly, we will take action against them for harming the public’s trust in the electoral institution.”

The U.S. State Department issued a statement last week that required hip boots even to read: “There were serious allegations of extensive fraud during the election, resulting in an unprecedented 100% audit of all ballots. We join the candidates in deploring any fraud in the electoral process, especially any that was committed by those in the electoral institutions who were most responsible for protecting Afghans’ democratic aspirations…Nonetheless, the final outcome of the election process is legitimate and the results will be transparent.”

The election results are still not transparent and the only reason the Obama administration considers the new government “legitimate” is because it cut a deal to permit extended stays for 10,000 U.S. troops.

The State Department also praised Karzai for his role in “the first democratic and peaceful transfer of leadership in Afghanistan’s history.” The congratulatory declaration omitted to mention that the first such transition should have occurred in 2009 except for Karzai’s brazen fabrication of votes.

When Ghani and Abdullah announced a U.S. brokered/subsidized power-sharing deal, Secretary of State John Kerry whooped: “These two men have put the people of Afghanistan first, and they’ve ensured that the first peaceful democratic transition in the history of their country begins with national unity.”

It is only a matter of time until Ghani’s and Abdullah’s supporters fall upon each other with knives or worse.  But as long as Obama and Kerry can pretend to be spreading democracy, it doesn’t matter how many more American soldiers pointlessly die.

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Obama’s Syrian Bombing Scam

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Obama loves to preen as if he is spreading peace, freedom, and democracy with his bombs.  But there is no reason to presume that bombing Syria is not as idiotic as it appears.

Thus far, the Establishment media is largely playing a lapdog role. A Washington Post headline today proclaims: “Obama the reluctant warrior, cautiously selling a new fight.”  So we’re supposed to think the president is a victim of cruel necessity, or what?

A New York Times headline today announces: “In Airstrikes, U.S. Targets Militant Cell Said to Plot an Attack Against the West.”  “Said to” is the perfect term –  perhaps sufficient to alert non-braindead readers that something may be missing (i.e., evidence).

The Tom Toles cartoon to the left explains Obama’s policy far better than anything that has yet come out of the White House.

As usual, Congress has thus far utterly disgraced itself on this carnage.  Even though the vast majority of members have (unjustifiably) safe seats, they left town for vacations and maybe a little vote hustling.

When will Americans learn the actual rationales that drove Obama’s decision to bomb Syria?  Lord knows we have not yet learned many of the sordid details behind George W. Bush’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003. And the Obama folks are as good at coverups as the Bush team. Unfortunately, the largely toothless Freedom of Information Act poses no threat to expose the war cabal. Leaks from inside sources are the best bet for the truth outing.  But even if that occurs, it may be far too late to curb the damage.

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Obama Foreign Policy Maxim Actually Not Bad

According to Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration’s guiding maxim for foreign policy was “Don’t do stupid shit.”

But if that was their lodestar, why did they ever hire Hillary as Secretary of State? Hillary would also have been disqualified for that job if the Obama team relied on Google’s (former) motto: “Don’t be evil.”

If the Obama administration had actually followed the “stupid shit” maxim, they would have avoided almost all the disastrous interventions that have occurred since 2009.  Karzai would not have been propped up in Afghanistan, Maliki would not have been supported in Iraq, and the U.S. would not have bombed Libya. Nor would it have provided aid to Syrian rebels that was used to propel ISIS – the group that Obama began bombing last week.

Hillary offered a different diagnosis for the latest debacle” “I know that the failure to help build up a credible fighting force [in Syria] . . . left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled.”  Some experts predicted this would be the result as soon as the U.S. began propping up the opposition in the Syrian civil war.   Hillary has thus far avoided the castigation she deserves for pushing U.S. intervention in Syria.

Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles nicely captured the stupidity of U.S. Mideast policy.   The Post editorial page would be vastly improved if this guy was writing their editorials, as opposed to their usual “bombing cures all” line.

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Obama Bombs Iraq to Mark Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Anniversary

b-52_bombing_vietnamThis week is the 50th anniversary of the infamous Gulf of Tonkin anniversary.  Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and President Johnson conned Congress into giving a blank check for war.

Politicians have been lying the nation into war ever since (and before, for that matter).  President Obama yesterday announced that he was ordering bombing attacks on Iraq.   As usual, Obama has nothing but benevolent intentions for his latest killing orders. But getting involved again in Iraq is as boneheaded as the 2003 invasion.

When is the last time that U.S. “bombing for peace” actually resulted in fewer killings?

For a comprehensive analysis and historical overview of the folly of going back into Iraqi conflicts, see Justin Raimondo’s column today.

Todd Pierce, a courageous retired U.S. Army major who recently served as a counsel for Gitmo defendants, has an excellent article on how the Vietnam War set the precedents for boundless deceit regarding national security policy.

And, giving the bombing/lying theme of today’s news, here’s an essay I wrote for American Conservative  a few years ago:

Leviathan’s Lies

Review of Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics, John J. Mearsheimer, Oxford University Press, 2011.

By James Bovard

Politicians nowadays treat Americans like medical orderlies treat Alzheimer’s patients, telling them anything that will keep them subdued. It doesn’t matter what untruths the people are fed because they will not long remember. But in politics, forgotten falsehoods almost guarantee new treachery.

This new book by John Mearsheimer, coauthor of the courageous masterpiece The Israel Lobby, is a step toward remedying the academy and media’s disregard of political perfidy. Mearsheimer “concentrates on lies that are told in the service of the national interest. These strategic lies benefit the collectivity, unlike selfish lies, which benefit a particular individual or group of individuals.” He explains that “strategic lies can do good things for a country, although there is always the possibility that they will do more harm than good.” On the book’s own evidence, there’s more than a possibility.

Why Leaders Lie deals solely with foreign policy lies. Mearsheimer analyzes five different types: inter-state lies (to delude foreign governments), fearmongering (deceiving the citizenry by exaggerating a foreign threat), strategic cover-ups (such as denying military and other debacles), nationalist myths (dissimulating about the nation’s sordid past), and “liberal lies” (such as denials about targeting foreign civilians).

Mearsheimer touts President Kennedy’s deceits regarding the Cuban missile crisis as an example of a successful strategic lie. In a secret deal with Khruschev, JFK agreed to withdraw Jupiter missiles from Turkey to sway the Soviets to remove their missiles from Cuba. JFK vehemently denied that any such deal was made at the time, and the agreement was kept secret for 30 years.

But the lies had repercussions. The apparent U.S. triumph in the Cuban missile standoff sanctified JFK and increased the arrogance of the Best and the Brightest. The successful con on Cuba probably spurred more brazen lying by the Kennedy administration on Vietnam—with disastrous results for the United States.

Mearsheimer discovers that while national governments lie to each other much less often than readers might presume, rulers are far more likely to deceive their own people. This is especially troublesome because democracy is far more effective at breeding gullibility than at leashing politicians. Lord Bryce, author of The American Commonwealth, observed in 1921 that “State action became less distrusted the more the State itself was seen to be passing under popular control.” The rise of democracy has enabled politicians to convince citizens that government poses no threat because they control its actions—or so the myth goes.

While some people regard political lies as negligible offenses, official deceits often prove fatal to foreigners. Mearsheimer quotes recent research concluding that “democracies are somewhat more likely than non-democracies to target [foreign] civilians” during wars. Why Leaders Lie examines the British government’s brazen falsehoods about the intentional slaughter of German civilians in RAF bombing raids during World War II. “The British government did not want to tell its public that it was purposely killing civilians, because this was a gross violation of the laws of war.”

Similarly, President Harry Truman told Americans in August 1945 that “the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, in so far as possible, the killing of civilians.” But Hiroshima was actually a major city with more than a third of a million people prior to its incineration.

In recent times, the American media and Congress brushed aside almost all concerns about the slaughter of innocent people in Fallujah. Any cheery statement by a Pentagon spokesman was sufficient to prove that the U.S. military was blameless, regardless of how many Iraqi women and children were killed.

The lies of conniving politicians are compounded by kowtowing experts. In Washington, power is the highest truth. Credibility depends on titles, not veracity. Blind deference to authority might be expected from semi-literate peasants in some mountain hollow. But it is more of a problem coming from the academic elite and establishment heavyweights. Leslie Gelb, former president of the Council for Foreign Relations, admitted: “My initial support for the [Iraq] war was symptomatic of unfortunate tendencies within the foreign policy community, namely the disposition and incentives to support wars to retain political and professional credibility.” As Daniel Ellsberg declared in 1970, the Pentagon Papers provided thousands of pages documenting “twenty years of crime under four presidents. And every one of those presidents had a Harvard professor at his side, telling him how to do it and how to get away with it.”

Much of the mainstream media has long been happy to partner with Washington in deceiving the American people. Flora Lewis, a New York Times columnist, writing three weeks before 9/11, commented in a review of a book on U.S. government lies about the Vietnam War: “There will probably never be a return to the discretion, really collusion, with which the media used to treat presidents, and it is just as well.” But within months of her comment, the media was as craven as ever. The Washington Post and the New York Times made it easy for Bush to con the nation into an unnecessary war against Arabs.

Mearsheimer deftly recounts some of the premier Bush administration lies paving the way to attacking Iraq. The administration was staffed with whiz kids whose philosophical training persuaded them to rise above mere facts. Many of the most prominent advocates of the Iraq War, such as Paul Wolfowitz, were devotees of Leo Strauss, renowned as a “philosopher of the noble lie”—on the assumption that truth is only for the elite.

One of the primary sources of misinformation that spurred the U.S. invasion of Iraq was a newly created Pentagon policy shop called the Office of Special Plans. Its director, Abram Shulsky—who received his doctorate under Strauss—co-wrote a 1999 essay that declared that Strauss “alerts one to the possibility that … deception is the norm in political life.” Professor Shadia Drury, author of Leo Strauss and the American Right, notes that Strauss believed that “those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right—‘the right of the superior to rule over the inferior’.”

Politicians get away with lies in part because Americans are taught that anyone who disbelieves the government must be crazy—the same view the KGB took of Soviet dissidents in the 1970s. This prejudice was canonized in the work of former communist and Ivy League professor Richard Hofstadter’s The Paranoid Style in American Politics. Top-ranking government officials exploited that notion to help deceive Americans into submission. At the time of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara declared that it is “inconceivable that anyone even remotely familiar with our society and system of government could suspect the existence of a conspiracy” to take the nation to war on false pretenses.  (After his retirement, McNamara joined the Washington Post’s board of directors. So much for telling “truth to power.”)

Lies subvert democracy by crippling citizens’ ability to rein in government. Citizens are left clueless about perils until it is too late for the nation to pull back. As Hannah Arendt noted, during the Vietnam War “the policy of lying was hardly ever aimed at the enemy but chiefly if not exclusively destined for domestic consumption, for propaganda at home and especially for the purpose of deceiving Congress.” CIA analysts did excellent work in the early period of the Vietnam conflict. But “in the contest between public statements, always over-optimistic, and the truthful reports of the intelligence community, persistently bleak and ominous, the public statements were likely to win simply because they were public,” she observed.

Unfortunately, Why Leaders Lie does not provide a clear standard for judging official deceit. Should we presume that “good government” is when politicians lie to the people for the public benefit and “bad government” is when politicians lie for selfish interests? How can we distinguish between the two? We have to trust politicians to tell us which is which. According to Mearsheimer, if a leader is not lying about foreign policy for “selfish purposes” (such as “their own personal interests or those of their friends”), then he may deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Political lies are far more dangerous than most political scientists recognize. Big government requires Big Lies—and not just about wars but across the board. The more powerful centralized administration becomes the more abuses it commits and the more lies it must tell. The government becomes addicted to the growth of its own revenue and power—and this growth cannot be maintained without denying or suppressing the adverse effects of Leviathan’s growth.

The more power government seizes, the more easily it can suppress the truth. The Obama administration’s aggressive use of the “state secrets” doctrine to cover up the U.S. government’s involvement in torture and other high crimes is typical of how the game is played in Washington. WikiLeaks has proven that U.S. foreign policy is far more dishonest than was commonly believed. Unfortunately, Americans have no legal way to commandeer government files until long after most power grabs are consummated.

Even so, both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were re-elected long after their chicaneries became obvious to attentive observers. But if people are content to be deceived, elections become little more than patients choosing which nurses will inject their sedatives. If the citizenry does not punish liars, then it cannot expect the truth. And the more arbitrary power the U.S. presidency possesses, the more it attracts the type of politician who will not hesitate to lie to capture office.

There is no reason to expect government to be more honest in the future than it has been in the past. The Obama administration’s lies on Libya are eerily akin to the Bush team’s lies on Iraq and the Clinton administration’s lies on Kosovo. But deceiving the American people should no longer be treated as a victimless crime. Why Leaders Lie is a potent reminder of the perils of letting politicians rule by deceit.

Tagline: James Bovard is the author of Attention Deficit Democracy and eight other books.

On Twitter @jimbovard

Fixing Legacies by Killing Historians (or the Facts)


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New White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was on CNN yesterday defending Obama administration coverups.  He was asked about a letter from the Society of Professional Journalists and other organizations which scolded the White House for “politically driven suppression of news and information about federal agencies.”

Earnest proclaimed that he is “definitely committed” to helping “the president live up to his commitment to be the most transparent president in history.”  And Earnest said that Obama had “absolutely” lived up to that pledge thus far.

No word yet on whether this means Obama is on the verge of “coming clean” on his spying and killing.  But maybe Josh will explain at tomorrow’s press briefing what happened to all those IRS emails. And it would be real treat for Americans to finally hear what the hell is motivating Obama’s policies in the Middle East and other battlegrounds.

Four years ago, I wrote about how the George W. Administration left a legacy of far greater secrecy that subverts democracy and self-government: “The less people learn about government policies, the less control they will have over government action. By preventing people from knowing what government is doing, secrecy unleashes government.

Last month, I tallied some of Obama’s secret government claptrap and harumphed: “No president is entitled to blindfold the American public.”

The great Sipress cartoon from the new issue of the New Yorker captures kings’ and presidents’ attitude towards bothersome facts.  Presidents don’t have the prerogative to kill the historians, but suppressing the facts can often achieve the same goal.

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