SOPA, and Why We’re Not Blacked Out

Today is the day digital activists protest the Internet-censorship bill known as SOPA by symbolically blacking out their websites. SOPA, or the Stop Online Piracy Act, is a megacorporate-written scheme to "protect" entertainment and media conglomerates' intellectual...

Gitmo Actually Was a Prison Camp Before

Historian Jonathan M. Hansen has a unique and wonderfully written piece today in the New York Times about Guantánamo -- the base itself, not the terror-war prison camp. In it, he reminds us of the century-long imperialist project just a puddle-jumper ride from Miami,...

Video: Elderly Israeli Fighter Talks About 1948 Genocide

Electronic Intifada's Benjamin Doherty shared a video from "Nakba"-awareness group Zochrot - "Remembering" - of a former Palmach fighter who participated in the expulsion of unarmed Palestinian Arabs from their villages in Southern Israel. Amnon Neumann casually...

Ethiopia: America’s Model for Civil Liberty?

Remember how the US contracted Ethiopia to "restore order" in Somalia? The East African dictatorship was to help install a UN-backed government of warlords and former communist apparatchiks in order to "free" Somalia. They ended up obliterating the delicate gains the...

I End the Iraq War Whenever I Feel Blue

Have the Republican debates this year caught up with the number of times Obama has declared the Iraq war over yet? Just wondering. Oh we love to kid the president about endlessly ending the war in Iraq, which killed possibly over a million, ruined a society, and...

State Dept. to ‘Fund’ Gay Rights Overseas

Let's leave aside whether State Dept. cash can actually buy gay rights in places like our close allies Uganda, which may soon punish homosexuality with death. I'd like to focus on the sheer hypocrisy of the United States government, responsible for the deaths and...

South Sudan Bravely Rejects US Military Aid least, we can surmise this from the country's recent release of 53 child conscripts from its army. They must know Obama cares about stimulating job prospects for children in the world's most horrifying countries to be a human being.

Palestinians Ride in the Front of the Bus

Actually, they were merely on the bus as it entered Jerusalem, which is confrontation enough. Free and democratic Israel has such a convoluted and restrictive system of permitting for Palestinians going anywhere that Arabs living in what are considered Jerusalem...