The Pentagon is planning cuts to the defense budget that are causing controversy on Capitol Hill, the New York Times reports. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel plans to shrink the United States Army to its smallest force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate...
Egypt’s Military Resigns, Awaits Inevitable ‘Election’ to Continue US-Backed Dictatorship
Almost every brutal regime in the world, no matter how depraved, needs at least a veneer of popular legitimacy. Egypt's ruling military junta, which ousted a democratically elected government back in July and has imposed harsh crackdowns ever since, is angling for...
Ron Paul On Staying Out of Ukraine and Granting Clemency to Snowden
Via Reason's Matt Welch, Ron Paul appeared on Fox Business's The Independents to talk about staying out of Ukraine's business and seeking clemency for Edward Snowden: Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at...
Dying and Killing in Vain
A recently commissioned Pentagon review corresponds with earlier intelligence assessments in predicting that once the U.S. draws down in Afghanistan, the Taliban will surge. The Guardian: Afghanistan will require tens of thousands more troops costing billions more...
ACLU Video: What The Government Could Do With That Location Data
It was reported this week that the Department of Homeland Security, the most conspicuous behemoth of all the national security state agencies, wants to impose "a national license-plate tracking system that would give the agency access to vast amounts of information...
Chelsea Manning Statement on Winning Sam Adams Award
For her brave decision to blow the whistle on systemic government deception and wrongdoing, Cheslea Manning was awarded the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence. Snowden received the same award, presented to him by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, NSA...
The American on Obama’s ‘Kill List’ Doesn’t Pose An Imminent Threat
Last week I wrote about the news that the Obama administration is considering whether to assassinate another American citizen in a drone strike. The Associated Press reported the target is an American citizen and member of al-Qaeda, “and the Obama administration is...
The President Can Bomb a Wedding, Kill Civilians – Laws Be Damned
In the Obama administration's drone war, there are two sets of laws. First, there is constitutional and international law which the United States and he, as president, is obliged to follow. Then there are much broader, mostly secret bureaucratic rules and unorthodox...
On Syria, Obama Dons His Interventionist Cap – Again
The United States met secretly this week with spy chiefs from Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The subject was the Syrian civil war and how to better support the rebels, which are by and large al-Qaeda-linked jihadists. David...
NSA Surveillance: Not For Terrorism, Not Even to Curb Privacy
Another extremely important article from The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Gallagher reveals that "the National Security Agency and its British counterpart...targeted WikiLeaks and other activist groups with tactics ranging from covert surveillance to...