Dying and Killing in Vain

A recently commissioned Pentagon review corresponds with earlier intelligence assessments in predicting that once the U.S. draws down in Afghanistan, the Taliban will surge. The Guardian: Afghanistan will require tens of thousands more troops costing billions more...

Chelsea Manning Statement on Winning Sam Adams Award

For her brave decision to blow the whistle on systemic government deception and wrongdoing, Cheslea Manning was awarded the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence. Snowden received the same award, presented to him by  former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, NSA...

On Syria, Obama Dons His Interventionist Cap – Again

The United States met secretly this week with spy chiefs from Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The subject was the Syrian civil war and how to better support the rebels, which are by and large al-Qaeda-linked jihadists. David...