Over at Foreign Policy, Christopher J. Fettweis argues the hysteria in Washington over Ukraine is based on "pathological beliefs" about foreign policy. "The United States has no interest at stake in eastern Ukraine or Crimea," Fettweis writes. "It is hard to imagine...
No, Obama Hasn’t Let Go of Global Hegemony
Over at The Dish, Andrew Sullivan notes the difference in opinion between the elites and the general public on foreign policy. Elites in New York and Washington, DC are upset that Obama hasn't been forceful enough, whereas the public, as I noted yesterday, in greater...
Israel Approved 14,000 New Settlement Units, Demolished 500 Palestinian Structures During Talks
Israel's primary criticism of the Palestinian side is that they are not engaging in "good faith negotiations," they are not "partners for peace." As I've noted several times in the past few weeks, that critique rings hypocritical given Israel's negotiating positions....
WSJ/NBC Poll: Americans Want Less Interventionist Foreign Policy
This morning's Wall Street Journal has the following headline on the front page: "Americans Want to Pull Back From World Stage, Poll Finds." Americans in large numbers want the U.S. to reduce its role in world affairs even as a showdown with Russia over Ukraine...
CIA Thinks Syrian Rebels Might Turn The Guns We Give Them Back On Us
Here is a tweet from Foreign Policy's Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/foreignpolicy/status/461272472734945280 If you have to worry that your proxy militias will turn your own weapons against you, maybe it's not such a good idea to give them weapons in the first...
The Problem With Labeling Hamas ‘A Terrorist Organization’
Paul Pillar, a 28-year CIA veteran and now senior fellow at Georgetown University's Center for Security Studies, writes in The National Interest about how ridiculous and self-serving is the reaction of Israel (and the U.S.) to the Fatah's announcement of political...
Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s Pro-War, Anti-Civil Liberties Front-Runner
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party's admired front-runner for the 2016 presidential elections, made headlines last week when she spoke out against NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. At an event at the University of Connecticut she hit him...
New Bill Would Demand VOA Serve US Propaganda
According to a report at Foreign Policy, a new piece of legislation due for a vote on Wednesday of this week would force Voice of America, the federally funded news media organization, to toe the U.S. line even more closely and become an explicit propaganda tool of...
Supreme Court Lets Indefinite Detention of Americans Pass
The Supreme Court declined to hear the case that a group of activists, journalists, and academics including Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, and Daniel Ellsberg brought against the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA. This is a huge gift to the Obama...
President Obama: ‘Why Is It That Everybody Is So Eager To Use Military Force?’
Here is an excerpt from President Obama's joint press conference today with Philippine President Benigno Acquino: Typically, criticism of our foreign policy has been directed at the failure to use military force. And the question I think I would have is, why is it...