If all of us rolled down our car windows at 5 pm on weekdays, we would hear a single great voice booming out across the land as if God himself were thundering from the heavens. In reality it would be countless car radios beaming out in unison “All Things Considered,”...
Watch, Laugh, then Cry – Netanyahu Choreographs a Humiliated Congress
This video should go viral. It is from the Israeli media. Watch, laugh – and cry. (It is preceded by a 15-second commercial in Hebrew.) Now let’s be serious. First, the Congress is completely humiliated, dancing to the tune of Netanyahu who is the representative of a...
The Cartoons Outlawed in France: L’affaire Charlie Hebdo and Western Colonialism
To understand the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week, we need only invert George W. Bush’s 2005 mantra*, thus: "They will continue to attack us over here so long as we slaughter them by the millions over there." In a word, this is one more instance...
John V. Walsh: The Rule for Respectable Commentary
There is a simple rule that is followed scrupulously by most U.S. commentators of every stripe on world affairs and war.This rule allows strong criticism of the US But major official adversaries of the US, Iran, Russia and China, must never, ever be presented as...
Rice in China – What Susan Found on Her Doorstep: John V. Walsh
Susan Rice has just completed her visit to Beijing to prepare for Obama’s November visit. She arrived as the envoy of the President of the Indispensable Nation and was greeted at the very highest level by Xi Jinping himself, president of one of the many Dispensable...
Syria Next on Hit List – ISIS a Side Issue or Excuse: John V. Walsh
Obama took to the airwaves yesterday, oh so coincidentally, on the eve of September 11, to roll out his latest "smart war." And it comes, oh so coincidentally, just before Congressional midterms when every member of Congress fears like the plague to be...
Mearsheimer Pins Blame for Ukraine Crisis on US, But…
"Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault: The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin" is the splendid title of John Mearsheimer’s article in the recent issue of Foreign Affairs. Like Jimmy Carter’s Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, the title alone, along...
Fear of Reading: Blowhard versus ‘Bullhorn’
In the wake of the U.S.-engineered coup in Ukraine, the Western Press warns us solemnly and relentlessly that Vladimir Putin is Beelzebub himself, the leader of a vicious and backward Russia. Such deceit is reckless in the extreme since it puts the U.S. at odds with a...
Obama Continues Psyop Against Russia, Threatens China, in Interview with The Economist
Well, look, there’s no doubt that a robust, interventionist foreign policy on behalf of certain principles, ideals or international rules is not a tradition that most countries embrace. And in the 20th century and in the early stages of the 21st century, the United...
Beware the New York Times’s Michael R. Gordon
"There's an old saying in Tennessee – I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can't get fooled again." ~ George W. Bush Those in the U.S. who are enthralled by relentless reports of the most...