John V. Walsh is an antiwar writer who is well versed on China. Recently, he wrote an article titled “Arming Taiwan is an Insane Provocation.” Insane, yes, but it is also a blazing sign of desperation. A plethora of American words and actions touching on mainland...
Justice in the Land of the Free™
I feel for American basketball player Brittney Griner. Did she break the law? Yes, she did, and she pled guilty at trial. But a sentence of nine years – to be spent in what the New York Times calls a "penal colony" – for bringing hashish into Russia for...
The Imperialists’ and Proxies’ War Against Syria
On 30 August 2021, the United States’ 20-year military occupation of Afghanistan came to an end when the removal of American forces was completed. Although the withdrawal was botched, it was the correct move. The withdrawal is ignominious because it turns out that the...
Skeptic’s Alert: Washington and New York Times Expose Russian False Flag
On 14 January, a breaking news story from the New York Times informed its readers: "U.S. Says Russia Sent Saboteurs Into Ukraine to Create Pretext for Invasion." Unsurprisingly, Washington "did not release details of the evidence it had collected."...
What Does the Statement of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War Tell Us?
The Doomsday Clock has been sitting the past year at 100 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been to civilization-ending apocalypse. The United States has done little to quell doomsday apprehensions by ratcheting up tensions with China over Taiwan and its...