How idiots win hearts and minds – – –

ORZALA ASHRAF: What would you expect from those children who lost their feet or their arm or their mother or their father during that kind of bombing? What would you expect from them? Do you expect them to join the peace process? Do you expect them to say, “I have...

Hiroshima AND Nagasaki: The Inside Story

At 8:16 on the morning of August 6, 1945, the world got a glimpse of its own mortality. At that moment, the city of Hiroshima was obliterated by a fireball that sent waves of searing heat, then a deafening concussion, across the landscape. Three days later, a second...

Do you know Binyam Mohamed?

Two senior British judges accused the U.S. of threatening to stop sharing intelligence with Britain if the British Government released details of the extraordinary rendition of British citizen, Binyam Mohamed. Why? Perhaps this explains it:...

What would that be like . . .

Marc Garlasco helped target laser-guided bombs during the Iraq invasion, and he claims in an NPR interview entitled "Assessing the Human Cost of Air Strikes in Iraq," that the military does a careful calculation of how many innocent civilians will be killed for each...

The key to mid-east peace is already in the lock

Does the world face what some style as Armageddon because American pro-Israel groups still believe out-dated Israeli "public relations"? According to Ha'aretz chief political columnist AKIVA ELDAR in an October 8, 2007 Democracy Now! interview, while the Israel lobby...

What could they possibly be thinking . . .

The aide (a senior advisor to President Bush) said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernable reality" ... "That's not the way the world...

Details at 6 – – –

So, you're with the program? O.K. Here are the immediate details to get "Our Children's Children's War" off to a rousing start - - - - . The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) [youtube]SXS3vW47mOE[/youtube] Democracy NOW! March 2, 2007 . Hoo...

Are You With the Program?

"It is not civilizations that promote clashes. They occur when old-fashioned leaders look for old-fashioned ways to solve problems by rousing their people to armed confrontation." --Kenichi Ohmae, The End Of The Nation State, (New York: The Free Press 1995), p. 11....

Plum Pitiful – – –

Republicans: "If you Democrats are serious, vote to de-fund the 'war'." Democrats: "You just want us to vote to de-fund the war. Well, we'll fix your butts - - - we're not GOING to de-fund the war. In fact, we're not even going to propose a RESOLUTION to de-fund the...

Where have all the flowers gone?

. Vietnam "War" Defense Sec. Robert McNamara, The Fog of War [youtube]Bl8wpsGooOo[/youtube] 'Mr. McNamara, you must never have read a history book!' . Maj. Gen. John Batiste, retiring head of "The Big Red One" [youtube]LVpGzCVQz4U[/youtube] 'There was no surprise with...